h. Contract approval
County Commission
Consent agenda
h. Contract approval
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10/31/2007 9:06:39 AM
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10/31/2007 9:06:20 AM
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<br />Coordinated Enforcement Plan - Summary <br />The JCEC is responsible for the development of a Coordinated Enforcement Plan to reduce juvenile crime <br />based upon an analysis of juvenile justice system needs. Proposed programs and/or services to be <br />funded should be related to the needs identified in the Plan. Existing community plans may be used. <br />Please provide a summary of the Coordinated Enforcement Plan. <br /> <br />Briefly Describe the analysis of juvenile justice system needs: <br /> <br />. In 1994, the State of North Dakota Juvenile Court System adopted a balanced approach to restorative <br />i justice which has served the state and local jurisdictions well. Cass County is in agreement with that <br />I balanced approach and intervention programs reduce recidivsm of juvenile offenders. Juvenile offenders <br />I that attend intervention programs are less likely to re-offend or graduate to more serious offenses. In <br />I 2006, Cass County Juvenile Court received 258 referrals from local law enforcement. That number has <br />i increased to 285 as of 09/13/2007. Our coalition believes that this number continue to rise unless we can <br />I provide some intervention and prevention to our youth. <br />I <br /> <br />I <br /> <br />I Detail how the JABG funds will be used and the rationale, based on the analysis of needs, <br />I for selection: <br /> <br /> <br />lour coalition requests grant funds so we can support a structured Theft Awareness and Prevention <br />! Program which can help reduce recidivism of theft related offenses committed by juvenile offenders. <br />I Through early intervention, juvenile offenders can receive help by examining and discussing why youth <br />I steal; Learning potential consequences of futher theft offenses and looking at peer pressure and its effect <br />I on behavior. <br />I <br /> <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />I <br />i <br /> <br />I Explain the JJEC's involvement in the development and/or maintenance of the <br />Coordinated Enforcement Plan: <br />II Our Coalition through our Delinquency Preventative Plan and Coordinated Enforcement Plan has adopted <br />a risk-focused approach to reducing adolescent problem behaviors. The premise is quite simple: <br />I to prevent a problem (delinquency) we need to know how to identify the factors that <br />I increase the risk of that problem developing and then find ways to reduce the risks <br />I in ways that enhance protective or resiliency factors <br />'I. Our Coalition supports the Community That Cares model, in developing programs, policies and <br />I procedures which support those plans and: <br />I 1. Strengthen bonds and provide opportunities to contribute skills and recognition. <br />i 2. Reduce risk factors in ways that strengthen protective factors. <br />i 3. Develop clear and consistent standards for behavior within peer groups, at home and within the <br />! community and at school. <br />I 4. Teach the skills youth need to be able to follow clear and consistent standards. <br />The programs, policies and procedures are reviewed and changes made when necessary to <br />promote our goal of restorative justice for juvenile offenders. <br />
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