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<br />PRIZE RESTRIC'nONS: <br /> <br />A single cash prize cannot exceed $1,000 and total cash prizes for a raffle cannot exceed $3,000 in one day. <br /> <br />The retail value of a merchandse prize cannot exceed $2,500. <br /> <br />The total of all cash prizes and retail valU$ of all merchandse prizes for all games cannot exc"d $12,000 in a fiscal year July 1 <br />througll June 30. <br /> <br />If the value of the planned cash and merchandise prizes exceeds $12,000, the organization must reduce the prizes to this limit or <br />apply for a state license with the Office of Attorney General. <br /> <br />LOCAL PERMIT AND CHARITY LOCAL PERMT: <br /> <br />The major differences between a local permit and charity local permit are: <br />LocalP....nIt <br /> <br />Number of events per year <br />Must fie an Irtormatlon report <br />May pay employees compensation <br />Must use chips as wagers <br />Use of net Income <br />Games allowed <br /> <br />Llmitedbyprlzes <br />No <br />Yes <br />No <br />Unrestrlcted <br /> <br />ChttllYLotalPenrit <br />One <br />Yes <br />No <br /> <br />Yes <br /> <br />Compared to a ~Iocalpermlt," an organ <br /> must tile anlnfomttdlonreport <br />These uses are described by NorthDa <br />to the backside of the "Reportolra Cha <br /> <br /> <br />Restrleted <br /> <br />Bingo <br />Raftles <br />Sports pools <br />Poker <br /> <br />Paddlev.ileels <br /> <br />It" may conduct 3 more galM types, but Is restricted to 1 event per <br />of ey <:ie d ml,\st <Ilsburse net Income to elglble uses. <br />.1 North Administrative Code ~ 99-01.3-14-02. Refer <br />orm for a gEll'leralllst of eligible uses. <br /> <br />o <br />es <br />Sports pools <br /> <br />For a charily local permit. one method to ensure that the total of all cash p~es and retail vallIe of all merchandise prIZes dO not exceed <br />$12,000 Is to charge each player a standard amolint at the start of the ev.nt for a certain number or value of clips. If a player loses all of the <br />player's clips, the player may re-buy chips. The player WOUld play games and. tll the endof'lhe evert. the organIZation would auction <br />merchandise prizes to the Theplayer~obldthehl9hest number or value of chips for a prize would win that prize. For those <br />players who have chips but did. not sLlccessf\llly bid on a prize, the. organization may redeem the chips for a predetermined cash value per <br />chip. For this method. the valu$ofpll!l'jlns' chlp$ redtemedfotcaShls hOt a ~e. <br /> <br />INFORMATION REQUIRED TO BE PREPRINTED ON A STANDARD RAFFl..E TICKET: <br /> <br />1. Name oforg~nlzatlon; <br />2. llcket number; <br />3. Price ofthetlc:ket, Including any dscol,.lntedptlce; <br />4. Prize, desCription of a11optiO Ize selectable bya winnlngpiayer, oroptlont()eo~rt a merchandise prize to a cash ~e <br />that Is limited to the lesser the merchanclse prize or one thousand dollars. HW/ever.1f there Is InsulTlcient <br />space on a ticket tollsr~c th~hasarEltallprlce not eKce.ectlngtlfttendollars. anorgantzatlon may statelhe total <br />l'l!.Imber of minor prIZes. andallprlce; <br />5. For alh:ensedor$aritatlon.ptlnt"otnee>ofattorrteygfjneral"andUcensenl.lmber. For an organtzatlonthat has a permit. print <br />the authOrizing city or cO\.l'ltYandpenn It number; <br />6. Astateh1El1'ltthataper$onl$norrequlr~dto b&ptes.ntat adra\\4ogto win; <br />7. Dale and time ofthe dravvtng or drawings and. If the wlnniogplayerls announced later. date and time of I hat announcement. <br />For a calendar ram$, If the drl'lwlngs are on a same day of the w&ek or month, print the day and time of the <tawing; <br />8. Location and street address oftl1& drawing; <br />9. If a merchandise prize requires a title transfer Involving the departmert of transportation. a statement that a winning player is <br />or Is not IIllblefor sales or use tax; <br />10. If a purchase of stlcket or winning Is restricted to a person of minimum age. a statement that a person must be at least <br />"_. years of agEl tol5uy a ticket, a prize; <br />11. A statement that a purchaseofthe ticket Is not a. charitable donation: <br />12. If a secondary prize Is an ungl.laraliteedcash or merchandise prize. a statement thelt the prize Is not guararteedto be won and <br />odds of winning the prize based on numbers of chances; and <br />13. If a prize Is live beef or dairy cattle, bison. sl1&ep or pig. a statement that the winning player may co~ert the prize to a cash <br />prize Ihat IsllmUed to the lesser of the value of the animal or one thousand dollars. <br />