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FACTS TO KNOW <br /> The state is requiring no monitoring wells or other water testing sites. <br /> The Department of Environmental Quality states that the dairy plan is <br /> within state standards and guidelines. Remember,that this is the first <br /> CAFO in the state of North Dakota funded by out of state interests,so <br /> we need to have standards that truly protect ND citizens. <br /> Iowa,a leader in CAFOs, has the second highest cancer incidence <br /> in the U.S.with the fastest rate of increase in cancer cases in the <br /> nation.Many exerts connect this to the exponential growth of <br /> CAFOs,which contribute to unsafe nitrate levels in drinking water. <br /> Why is cancer rising in Iowa and not elsewhere?Look at our agriculture practices by Patsy Shors, <br /> 3 Des Moines Register <br /> Nitrates from manure spreading is not a bad thing unless there's too <br /> much. The massive amount of manure produced from this huge <br /> CAFO will contaminate the water and air and increase risks to <br /> human health. <br /> IPIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrl <br /> We as a community, which may not be able to stop CAFOs <br /> from coming into our state, have the ability to speak up <br /> and continue to try to make a difference. We will work for <br /> state legislation that ensures protection of our valuable <br /> resources and health. <br /> These CAFOs are known to tear communities apart. North <br /> 5, <br /> Dakota is known for its rural communities and the strength we <br /> have within them. Remember that this is a nonpartisan issue. <br /> The entire community will be affected greatly. This is a matter of <br /> Community vs. Corporation. <br /> Our community gets very little benefit from this <br /> proposed dairy operation. The 10 to 11 trucks of milk <br /> per day will be shipped out of state. We are basically a <br /> dumping ground for the dairy business and will be <br /> severely damaged by this in so many ways. <br /> Water is our most valuable resource which we need to <br /> protect not only for ourselves, but for our future <br /> generations. <br />