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ACS87°18'48"W247.61'N02°41'12"W <br />85.00'S87°23'32"W310.13'N03°08'10"W364.32'N86°17'45"E274.11'N87°36'44"E286.53'S02°41'12"E <br />335.00'N86°17'30"E286.57'200.80'328.40' <br />289.65' <br />(206.25') <br />(206.25')R/WR/WOHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHP OHPOHPOHPOHPRRNW./1 <br />4 <br />OCT340 <br />5 33143WELLELECTRIC METER165th Ave. SE <br />EXISTING 33.00' STATUTORY ROADEASEMENT PER NDCC 24-07-03EXISTING 33.00' STATUTORY ROADEASEMENT PER NDCC 24-07-03LOT 1BLOCK 14.109± ACRES5/8" REBARw/ ALUM. CAPC.R. NO. 467(247.5')(247.5')RNWT NT <br />RW431054 <br />3 343 <br />3341 <br />055/8" REBARC.R. NO. 2480170.07'33.00'214.61'220.42'143.90'164.93' <br />SECTION LINE <br />℄ ROAD <br />R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W <br />R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W <br />N02°41'12"W <br />2633.86' <br />1815.02' <br />(206.25')(206.25')(328.40') <br />(335.00')(286.43')(286.47')WELLOHPEXISTINGHOUSEN02°41'28"W <br />2633.69' <br />TO SECTION CORNER <br />T <br />R <br />A <br />C <br />T <br /> <br /> D <br />E <br />S <br />C <br />R <br />I <br />B <br />ED <br /> <br />IN <br /> DO <br />C <br />. <br /> NO <br />. <br /> <br />1 <br />2 <br />5 <br />8 <br />8 <br />8 <br />5 <br />(206.25')(206.25') <br />(1815')(289.60') <br />T <br />RA <br />C <br />T <br /> <br /> D <br />E <br />S <br />C <br />R <br />I <br />B <br />ED <br /> <br />IN <br /> <br />BOO <br />K <br /> <br />3 <br />4 <br />4 <br />, <br /> <br /> <br />P <br />AG <br />E <br /> <br />3 <br />7 <br />7 <br />4.4'H:\JBN\7000\7060\7060_0028\CAD\7060-0028__Beverly_Dullum_Estate_Prelim_Plat.dwg BEING A PLAT OF PART OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OFCASS COUNTY, NORTH DAKOTASECTION 33, T. 143 N., R. 50 W., 5th P.M.DULLUM SUBDIVISIONProject No. 7060-0028HoustonEngineering Inc.Phone: 701.237.5065FeetScale0N1206060Owners' Certificate and Dedication:Know all persons by these presents: That the Estate of Beverly Dullum is the owner and proprietor of that part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 33,Township 143 North, Range 50 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian, Cass County, North Dakota, described as follows:COMMENCING at the Southeast Corner of said Section 35; thence North 02°41'12” West, along the easterly line of the Southeast Quarter of saidSection 35, for a distance of 1815.02 feet to the southeast corner of a tract described in Book 344 of Deeds, Page 377, on file at the Cass CountyRecorder's Office, and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; thence South 87°18'48” West, along the southerly line of said tract described in Book 344 ofDeeds, Page 377, for a distance of 247.61 feet to the southwest corner of said tract described in Book 344 of Deeds, Page 377; thence North 02°41'12”West, along the westerly line of said tract described in Book 344 of Deeds, Page 377, for a distance of 85.00 feet; thence South 87°23'32” West for adistance of 310.13 feet; thence North 03°08'10” West for a distance of 364.32 feet; thence North 86°17'45” East for a distance of 274.11 feet to a point ofintersection with the westerly line of a tract of land described in Document No. 1258885, on file at said Recorder's Office; thence South 02°41'12” East,along the westerly line of a tract of land described in said Document No. 1258885, for a distance of 170.07 feet to the southwest corner of a tract of landdescribed in said Document No. 1258885; thence North 86°17'30” East, along the southerly line of a tract of land described in said Document No.1258885, for a distance of 286.57 feet to a point of intersection with the easterly line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 35; thence South 02°41'12”East, along the easterly line of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 35, for a distance of 289.65 feet to theTRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.Said tract contains 4.109 acres, more or less.And that said party has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as DULLUM SUBDIVISION.In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal.Owner:___________________________________________Derek Dullum, Personal RepresentativeEstate of Beverly DullumState of North Dakota)) ssCounty of Cass)On this _____day of ______________, 20 _____, before me, a notary public withinand for said county and state, personally appeared Derek Dullum, PersonalRepresentative for the Estate of Beverly Dullum, known to me to be the persondescribed in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged that heexecuted same on behalf of said Estate.Notary Public:____________________________________Surveyor's Certificate:I, Curtis A. Skarphol, Professional Land Surveyor under the laws of the State ofNorth Dakota, do hereby certify on this ______day of____________, 20_____, thatthe plat hereon is a true and correct representation of the survey thereof, that alldistances are correctly shown on said plat in feet and decimals of a foot, and thatthe monuments for the guidance of future surveys have been placed in the groundas shown.___________________________________________Curtis A. SkarpholNorth Dakota PLS No. 4723State of North Dakota)) ssCounty of Cass)On this _____day of ______________, 20 _____, before me, a notary public withinand for said county and state, personally appeared Curtis A. Skarphol, known to bethe person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument andacknowledged that he executed same as his free act and deed.Notary Public:____________________________________Cass County Engineer:Reviewed by the Cass County Engineer this _________day of______________, 20_______.___________________________________________Jason Benson, Cass County EngineerCass County Planning Commission:Reviewed by the Cass County Planning Commission this __________dayof _______________, 20________.____________________________________________Ken Lougheed, ChairmanAttest: ______________________________________ SecretaryKinyon Township:Reviewed by Kinyon Township, Cass County, North Dakota,this_______day of ______________, 20___._____________________________________________Robert Stirling, ChairAttest: _______________________________________ Louis Rosenau, ClerkCass County Board of Commissioners' Approval:Approved by Cass County, North Dakota, this ________dayof______________, 20___._____________________________________________Chad M. Peterson, ChairAttest: _______________________________________ Brandy Madrigga, Cass County Finance DirectorEXISTING UTILITY EASEMENTNEW UTILITY EASEMENTEXISTING PARCEL LINEEXISTING PARCEL LINELEGENDIRON MONUMENT FOUND1/2" I.D. IRON PIPE SETPLAT BOUNDARYMEASURED BEARINGPLAT OR RECORD BEARINGMEASURED DISTANCEPLAT OR RECORD DISTANCEN00°00'00"E(N00°00'00"E)100.00'(100.00')18th ST SE (Co. Hwy. 26)VICINITY MAP1" = 2000'333432SITE LOCATIONT. 143 N. - R. 50 W.17th ST SE164th AVE SE165th AVE SER/WEXISTING RIGHT-OF-WAY LINEPRELIMINARY PLATLEGENDOHPOVERHEAD ELEC. POWER LINEUTILITY POLEW / GUY WIRELIGHT POLETELEPHONE RISERMEASURED DISTANCES SHOWN ARE GROUNDDISTANCES IN TERMS OF U.S. SURVEY FEET. USECOMBINATION FACTOR OF 1.0001125127 TO CONVERTSTATE PLANE DISTANCES TO GROUND DISTANCES.BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED ON THENORTH DAKOTA STATE PLANE COORDINATESYSTEM (NAD83) - SOUTH ZONE ROAD CENTERLINEWATER SERVICE VALVE