Budget Minutes
County Commission
Budget Minutes
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Commission Minutes—July 26, 2022 5606 <br /> ballot when needed. She said currently with the Express Vote machines the County wastes <br /> thousands of preprinted ballots per election. She said the cost of the BOD printers is approximately <br /> $6,000 each. <br /> Mr. Peterson asked what the specialty of the printer is. County Information Technology Director, <br /> Bob Henderson was present and said the BOD printers utilize a universal transfer card that is <br /> encrypted and can only be used with a BOD printer and laptop. He said the ballot data is saved to <br /> the transfer card, inserted into the BOD printer, and the printer prints the data line by line onto the <br /> blank ballot paper. Mr. Peterson asked if there is more than one vendor that sells the BOD printers. <br /> Mr. Henderson said the North Dakota Secretary of State approves the vendors the County can use. <br /> Mr. Steen asked how many printers are needed. Ms. Madrigga said the budget request is for 40 <br /> printers that would serve 10 vote centers and one printer in the Finance Office for absentee voting. <br /> Mr. Henderson said the purpose of the BOD printers is to be able to print any ballot style at any <br /> voting location to eliminate running out of ballots and having runners get ballots from the warehouse <br /> or Courthouse to voting centers. He said having more than one printer at each vote center is <br /> important to keep length of lines down at vote centers as it takes minutes to print a ballot. Mr. Steen <br /> said 2023 is not an election year and asked why the purchase is being requested in 2023. Ms. <br /> Madrigga said the Finance Office would like to implement the BOD printers on a non-election year <br /> for staff to have adequate time to learn and set up the equipment. <br /> Mr. Steen suggested the County could purchase a small number of BOD printers in 2023 to <br /> implement and train before an election year and purchase the rest in a future year. Mr. Henderson <br /> said he would recommend purchasing all the BOD printers at once to ensure they are all the same <br /> model as the printers may not be exactly the same year to year. Ms. Madrigga said she would like <br /> to have 10 to 15 BOD printers purchased to start implementation. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Peterson moved and Mr. Breitling seconded to reduce the budget amount <br /> for the ballot on demand printers to $66,000 as part of the 2023 Election Fund <br /> preliminary budget. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Peterson moved and Mr. Kapitan seconded to approve the 2023 Finance <br /> preliminary budget as amended. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> 17. STATE'S ATTORNEY <br /> Burch Burdick, County State's Attorney was present to review the 2023 State's Attorney budget. Mr. <br /> Burdick said the 2023 budget request is similar to prior year requests. He said a proposed correction <br /> to the submitted budget is to add $2,000 to the overtime salaries item for victim witness <br /> coordinators. He said the budget request includes $15,000 to outfit third floor State's Attorney staff <br /> with sit to stand desks. He said the budget also includes an increase in fees for client services due <br /> to the increase in fees for expert witness fees in child welfare cases. <br /> Mr. Steen asked what account 4011020 hourly salaries is used for. Mr. Burdick said the account was <br /> used to fill a law clerk position each summer as an internship type position that is typically filled by a <br /> University of North Dakota University Law School Student. Ms. Heinle said with the new payroll <br /> system, the 1020 account does not exist and the budget salary is included with all other staff <br /> salaries at $9,000. <br /> Mr. Peterson asked Mr. Burdick if he is comfortable with current staffing levels and the budget <br /> amount for the incoming State's Attorney as Mr. Burdick will be retiring at the end of 2022. Mr. <br /> Burdick said he believes the salary range, particularly the top end of the range should be evaluated. <br /> He said the two candidates running for the State's Attorney position have about 15 years of <br /> experience in the State's Attorney office. <br />
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