Budget Minutes
County Commission
Budget Minutes
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Commission Minutes—July 26, 2022 5604 <br /> said deputy's equipment is replaced every 4 to 5 years, a total cost of the <br /> equipment should be calculated and figured over a 5-year period and assessed <br /> to the Cities. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Jahner said each division submitted their budget to the Sheriff and Chief Deputy Haaland and <br /> from there, the Sheriff cut $118,00 from the 2023 budget. He said the budget includes a request for 2 <br /> additional court transport officers to assist in transporting juveniles from the juvenile detention facility <br /> in Clay County to appointments and court hearings in Cass County. <br /> Mrs. Scherling asked if the County pays Clay County to transport juveniles currently. Mr. Wilson said <br /> Clay County provides transportation, however, the transporters are not licensed officers. He said <br /> there was an incident last year where a juvenile escaped custody that raised concerns for Cass <br /> County. Mrs. Scherling asked if one person would be adequate. Mr. Jahner said no, transport <br /> officers are often sent in pairs. <br /> Ms. Fuller said the two additional officers would be used for the juvenile transport, and on other <br /> transports and in courtrooms. She said currently, the Court Transport Supervisor is having to do <br /> transports due to high demand and not enough staff to cover. She said juveniles need to be <br /> transported into Cass County approximately 5 times per week and this number could increase if <br /> court cases go back to being held in person as they have been held virtually the past two years. <br /> Mr. Jahner said the 2023 budget request is based on gas being $6 per gallon in anticipation of rising <br /> gas prices. Mr. Steen said $6 per gallon of gas seems high and believes gas prices are decreasing. <br /> Mr. Jahner said an adjustment could be made. He said the 2022 expenditure of gas is over budget <br /> due to recent gas prices increases. He said each deputy averages approximately 200 miles per shift. <br /> Mr. Steen said maybe the number of miles used to figure the estimate needs to be adjusted rather <br /> than the price of gas. <br /> Mr. Peterson asked what the Sheriff's Department is requesting for new vehicles as part of the 2023 <br /> budget. Mr. Jahner said the Sheriff's Department will be selling 10 old vehicles and requesting to <br /> purchase 10 new vehicles and 1 motorcycle. He said the motorcycle will be used for deputies to take <br /> an advanced motorcycle course. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Steen moved and Mr. Breitling seconded to reduce the fuel cost as part <br /> of the Sheriff's 2023 preliminary budget by $60,000. On roll call vote, the <br /> motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Peterson said the Sheriff's Department staff should present an estimate for Deputy equipment <br /> and a proposal to increase the deputy contracts with cities and bring the proposal back to the <br /> Commission for approval, and the updated contracts can then go out to cities. Mr. Jahner said the <br /> County and Cities receive benefits from having deputies in these cities and is important to maintain <br /> good relationships. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Breitling moved and Mrs. Scherling seconded to add the revenue from <br /> current Sheriff Policing Contracts with Cities to the 2023 Sheriff's <br /> Department preliminary budget. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> Mr. Breitling said all the workers compensation budget figures for each department are high. <br /> Ms. Heinle said the percent change is recommended by the State each year. She said the <br /> estimate can be changed to whatever the Board would like. <br /> MOTION, failed <br /> Mr. Breitling moved and Mr. Kapitan seconded to reduce the workers <br /> compensation budget by 50% for each department budget. Discussion: Mr. <br /> Peterson said he would be more comfortable to make a large change until the <br />
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