Budget Minutes
County Commission
Budget Minutes
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Commission Minutes—July 26, 2022 5600 <br /> deficit spending and the Board needs to find places to cut the budget. Mr. Wilson said $10,000 <br /> would be sufficient for advertising positions and would not allow for a full ad campaign. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Peterson moved and Mrs. Scherling seconded to amend the Administration <br /> 2023 preliminary budget account 4015402 from $65,000 to $10,000 for 2023. On <br /> roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> Mr. Wilson said the 2023 budget includes a request to add vision insurance as an option for County <br /> staff. He said in recent years, many comments on exit interviews have been that the County should <br /> offer vision insurance. He said he and staff have worked with the County's health and dental <br /> insurance provider, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota (BCBS) to discuss vision insurance <br /> options. He said a plan would be set up similar to the dental plan where the County will pay a flat rate <br /> and the employee will pay the remaining amount. He said the 2023 budget includes $50,000 to pay <br /> the County's portion of the plan. <br /> Mr. Peterson said the County has discussed adding vision insurance in the past and has never <br /> offered a plan because the plan did not have enough benefit to employees to make it worthwhile. Mr. <br /> Wilson said the proposed plan looked promising and BCBS is working with the Finance Office on <br /> setting the rate. He said the plan being considered has basic coverage of things such as a yearly eye <br /> exam, eyeglasses, and contacts. <br /> Mr. Steen asked about the plan with Xcel Energy for powering County Buildings. He said it depends <br /> on the price of fuel oil and having to power generators. He asked if the cost to go onto another plan <br /> without curtailment is known. Mr. Wilson said he did not have the cost of another plan, however, he <br /> could work with Buildings and Grounds Supervisor, Gene Gartner to find out. Mr. Steen suggested <br /> calculating the cost difference of each plan. Mr. Peterson asked how long the contract with Xcel is for <br /> and if the plan can easily be changed. Mr. Wilson said it is a yearly contract and he will work with Mr. <br /> Gartner to seek answers to the discussed questions. <br /> 4. HISTORICAL SOCIETY <br /> Beth Jansen, Executive Director of the Cass County Historical Society (Bonanzaville) was present to <br /> review the 2023 Historical Society budget. The request is $390,000 up from $245,000 in 2022. Ms. <br /> Jansen said Bonanzaville has been improving in recent years and is still in need of many repairs. <br /> She said the funds from the County will be used to complete deferred maintenance. She said <br /> $150,000 of the request is being asked as a matching grant for which she said she already has <br /> interested private parties to match the funding. Ms. Jansen said Bonanzaville has increased <br /> activities and events to bring in additional revenue and 2022 attendance is up 33%. <br /> Mrs. Scherling said she appreciates Bonanzaville and sees their potential for events. She said <br /> County taxpayers should not be the primary funding source of Bonanzaville. Mr. Breitling noted the <br /> requested amount is over 50% of the request from 2019. Ms. Jansen said Bonanzaville has a <br /> smaller budget and larger events than any other historical place in the Fargo-Moorhead area. She <br /> said Bonanzaville appreciates its private partners and needs additional funding for repairs. She said <br /> Bonanzaville does not get State or Federal funding and has applied for grant funding the past few <br /> years and was not successful. <br /> Mr. Peterson said he likes the idea of matching funding, however, he believes the requested amount <br /> is high. He said he could support matching funds of $50,000. Mr. Steen said he does not want to <br /> take away funding and the County is deficit spending and needs to be conservative. <br /> MOTION, failed <br /> Mr. Peterson moved and Mrs. Scherling seconded to amend the Bonanzaville <br /> 2023 preliminary budget request to $130,000 and an additional $50,000 in <br /> matching grant funds. Discussion: Mr. Steen said he feels the presented <br /> amount is too low. On roll call vote, the motion failed with Mr. Peterson and Mrs. <br /> Scherling voting "yes", and Mr. Breitling, Mr. Kapitan, and Mr. Steen voting <br /> "no". <br />
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