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June 16, 2022 <br />89 <br /> <br />Section 6.06 Major Subdivision Stormwater Management <br />(a) All developments with five (5) or more buildable lots shall construct an underground <br />storm sewer piping system within the development consisting of street gutters, <br />stormwater inlets and manholes pursuant to this Ordinance. Storm Sewer systems shall <br />be constructed according to the material and methods set forth in the most recent <br />version of the City of Fargo’s Standard Specifications for Construction of Public Utilities, as <br />it presently exists or may hereafter be amended. <br />(b) The following storm water management data shall be provided for all proposed major <br />subdivisions plans. This information may be provided on a sheet with other data or on <br />separate sheets and need not necessarily be recorded with the Final Plat. In the case of <br />any dispute in the methodology used in the design of any storm water management plan <br />and/or in the presentation of such information, the Planning Commission shall make the <br />final determination on design criteria, methodology and form of presentation. <br />1. All calculations, assumptions, criteria and references used in the design of the storm water <br />management facilities, the establishment of existing facilities capacities and the pre and <br />post development peak discharges. <br />2. All plans and profiles of the proposed storm water management facilities, including the <br />horizontal and vertical location, size and type of material. This information shall be to a <br />detail required for the construction of the facilities. <br />3. For all basins, a plotting or tabulation of the storage volumes and discharge curves with <br />corresponding water surface elevations, inflow hydrography and outflow hydrography. <br />4. For all basins which hold two (2) acre feet or more of water and have an embankment that <br />is six (6) feet or more in height, soil structure and characteristics shall be provided. Plans and <br />data shall be prepared by a registered professional engineer. These submissions shall <br />provide design solutions for frost-heave potential, spring-swell potential, soil bearing <br />strength, water infiltration, soil settling characteristics, fill and back-filling procedures and <br />soil treatment techniques as required to protect the improvements for adjacent structures. <br />5. All erosion and sedimentation control measures, temporary as well as permanent, including <br />the staging of the earth moving activities, in sufficient detail to clearly indicate their <br />function. <br />6. The guidelines for lot grading within subdivisions. This information shall identify the <br />direction of storm water runoff flow within each lot and the areas where storm water runoff <br />flows will be concentrated. This information shall be provided by flow arrows or topographic <br />data. In areas where the Planning Commission feels additional lot grading information is <br />needed to assure proper function of the storm water management facilities, specific grading <br />information will be required as part of the Final Plat submittal. <br />