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June 16, 2022 <br />144 <br /> <br />(n) Required Levels of Service. The recommendations of the traffic impact study shall provide <br />safe and efficient movement of traffic to and from and within and past the proposed <br />development, while minimizing the impact to non-site trips. The current levels of service <br />must be maintained if they are C or D, not allowed to deteriorate to worse than C if they <br />are currently A or B and improved to D if they are E or F. <br />(o) Documentation Required. A traffic impact study report shall be prepared to document <br />the purpose, procedures, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study. <br />1. The documentation for a traffic impact study shall include, at a minimum: <br />a. Study purpose and objectives <br />b. Description of the site and study area. <br />c. Existing conditions in the area of the development. <br />d. Recorded or approved nearby development. <br />e. Trip generation, trip distribution and modal split. <br />f. Projected future traffic volumes. <br />g. An assessment of the change in roadway operating conditions resulting from the <br />development traffic. <br />h. Recommendations for site access and transportation improvements needed to <br />maintain traffic flow to, from, within and past the site at an acceptable and safe <br />level of service. <br />2. The analysis shall be presented in a straight forward and logical sequence. It shall lead the <br />reader step-by-step through the various stages of the process and resulting conclusions and <br />recommendations. <br />3. The recommendations shall specify the time period within which the improvements should <br />be made (particularly if the improvements are associated with various phases of the <br />development construction) and any monitoring of operating conditions and improvements <br />that may be required. <br />4. Data shall be presented in tables, graphs, maps and diagrams wherever possible for clarity <br />and ease of review. <br />5. To facilitate examination by the Planning Commission, an executive summary of one or two <br />pages shall be provided, concisely summarizing the purpose, conclusions and <br />recommendations. <br />6. The report documentation outlined above provides a framework for site traffic <br />access/impact study reports. Some studies will be easily documented using this outline. <br />However, the specific issues to be addressed, local study requirements and the study results <br />may warrant additional sections. <br />Section 8.03 Improvements. <br />(a) Responsibility for Improvements. The applicant shall be responsible for the <br />improvements required to provide safe and convenient ingress and egress to the <br />development site. <br />