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June 16, 2022 <br />132 <br /> <br />e. All approved recreation facilities constructed in lieu of land dedication shall be <br />completed and dedicated to the municipality before fifty (50) percent occupancy <br />has been reached in any applicable subdivision. <br />Section 6.11 Historic and Cultural Resources <br />(a) Archaeological Investigations. No project shall be developed on a site identified by the <br />State Historical Society of North Dakota or other state or federal entity as containing <br />features of archaeological significance until: <br />1. A complete level 1 and level 2 archaeological survey of the site is completed. <br />2. The State Historical Society of North Dakota determines the project will not disturb the <br />cultural significance or artifacts on the site. <br />(b) Method of Survey. If a complete archaeological survey is required, it shall be conducted <br />under the supervision of a professional archeologist in compliance with standards <br />prescribed by the State Historical Society of North Dakota. Even if a complete survey is <br />not required, the Planning Commission may, upon advice of the State Historical Society of <br />North Dakota, require the developer to retain the services of and have present at the site <br />during any excavations or trenching, an archeologist with authority to investigate and <br />document any cultural material that might be unearthed. <br />(c) Report Required. A complete copy of the report of the archeologist, including a copy of <br />the field notes shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and the State Historical <br />Society of North Dakota. Arrangements shall be made by the developer for transfer of <br />any significant artifacts to a depository where such items can be conserved and made <br />available for future study. <br />(d) Preservation of Historic Features. Subdivisions shall be designed to preserve, adaptively <br />reuse, or otherwise provide for the historic features of Cass County. Modifications or <br />exterior alterations to historic features or sites or new construction adjacent to historic <br />features shall be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for <br />Rehabilitation of Historic Properties as published by the National Park Service. <br />Subdivisions shall also be designed so that new structures do not block historic views, or <br />obstruct the view of historic properties and new construction should be visually <br />complementary to historic structures, consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's <br />Guidelines. If because of size, scale, construction material, or type of use a proposed <br />subdivision would jeopardize the historic value of a site or structure, such new <br />construction shall be screened or otherwise visually buffered. <br />(e) Preservation of Historic Features. Subdivisions shall be designed to preserve, adaptively <br />reuse, or otherwise provide for the historic features of Cass County. Modifications or <br />exterior alterations to historic features or sites or new construction adjacent to historic <br />features shall be consistent with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for <br />Rehabilitation of Historic Properties as published by the National Park Service. <br />Subdivisions shall also be designed so that new structures do not block historic views, or <br />obstruct the view of historic properties and new construction should be visually