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June 16, 2022 <br />123 <br /> <br />located at a suitable place on the periphery of the subdivision so a more usable tract will <br />result when additional park and open space land is obtained upon development of the <br />adjacent land. <br />6. When public park and open space land exists adjacent to the tract to be subdivided or <br />developed, the park and open space land shall be located to adjoin and enlarge the <br />presently existing park and open space land. <br />7. At least fifty (50) percent of the finished grade of the site shall have a slope of three (3) <br />percent or less unless the land shall be used as a continuation of an existing trail as set forth <br />in Section 6.10 (f) (6) of this Ordinance, as a trail or linear park as set forth in Section 6.10 (f) <br />(7) herein, or the preservation of specific, valuable topographic features results in a greater <br />slope (e.g. provision of public space along a scenic watercourse). <br />8. The park and open space land shall be accessible to utilities such as sewer, water and power <br />that are provided within the subdivision and if so requested by the Planning Commission or <br />the municipality that will accept dedication of the land, the developer shall extend such <br />utilities to the park and open space land. <br />9. If the developer is planning to construct facilities for recreation on the dedicated property as <br />an amenity for the development, such facilities shall be constructed in accordance with <br />current standards established by the National Recreation and Park Association. Where <br />applicable, facilities constructed shall also comply with the accessibility guidelines of the <br />Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as it presently exists or may hereafter be amended. <br />Playground equipment constructed or placed on parkland shall be in compliance with <br />guidelines from the Consumer Products Safety Commission. <br />10. All park elements shall generally be consistent with nearby urban design and architectural <br />features. <br />11. Landscaping provided to meet the buffer planting requirements standards of this Ordinance <br />shall not be counted towards meeting a subdivision’s open space or park dedication <br />requirements. <br />(f) Specific Design Criteria. The following criteria shall be used in the design of parks, open <br />space and trails. <br />1. Pocket parks are specialized facilities serving individual neighborhoods and usually owned <br />and maintained by a homeowners’ association. This type of park should be considered as an <br />alternative where providing a typical neighborhood park is impractical, infeasible, or utilized <br />with small developments. The site should be residential in character and afford a quiet <br />setting for park use, typically not serving an area greater than one-quarter (.25) of a mile <br />and typically no larger than two and one half (2.5) acres. Development should have a strong <br />emphasis on passive uses such as picnic areas, informal gathering areas and landscaping. <br />a. The site shall be centrally located within the surrounding neighborhood and homes <br />preferable facing the park site to provide a secure environment. <br />b. Strong pedestrian and bicycle linkages shall be provided to and within the park. <br />c. The facility development should reflect the needs of the surrounding neighborhood. <br />Typical facilities include turf grass areas, picnic tables and benches. Support facilities <br />such as bike racks, pursuant to Section 6.05 (dd) (2-4) of this Ordinance and trash <br />receptacles should also be provided. Optional facilities may include gazebos or <br />similar shade structures; special horticultural plantings or gardens to be maintained