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June 16, 2022 <br />103 <br /> <br />generally be consistent with nearby urban design features and the fencing material <br />shall not be chain link. <br />d. A cutoff trench of impervious material shall be provided under all dams. <br />e. All pipes and culverts through dams shall have properly spaced concrete cutoff <br />collars or factory welded anti-seep collars. <br />f. A minimum one (1) foot freeboard above the maximum design water surface <br />elevation of the emergency spillway shall be provided. <br />7. Retention basins and detention basins shall incorporate the following minimum standards: <br />a. The maximum water depth shall not exceed ten (10) feet, unless a variance is <br />approved by the Planning Commission. <br />b. Basins without restricted access shall have impoundment areas with side slopes no <br />greater than six (6) horizontal to one (1) vertical. Basins with steeper side slopes <br />shall be protected by fencing that will discourage access. Fence material shall <br />generally be consistent with nearby urban design features and the fencing material <br />shall not be chain link. <br />(l) Ownership, Administration and Maintenance of Stormwater Management Facilities. The <br />Final Plat shall reflect and/or be accompanied by supporting documentation identifying <br />the ownership and method of administering and maintaining all permanent stormwater <br />management facilities. With regard to the maintenance of these facilities, they must be <br />either: <br />1. Dedicated to and accepted by a municipality. <br />2. Maintained by a private entity (e.g., homeowners association or individuals that own the <br />land) in accordance with the terms of an agreement, declaration of easements or other <br />legally binding documentation approved in form by the Planning Commission. The <br />agreement, declaration of easements or other legally binding documentation shall provide <br />that the county or water resource district shall have the right to: <br />a. Inspect the facilities at any time. <br />b. Require the private entity to take corrective measures and assign the private entity <br />reasonable time periods for any necessary action. <br />c. Authorize maintenance to be done and lien all cost of the work against the <br />properties of the private entity responsible for maintenance. <br />The agreement, declaration of easements or other legally binding documentation shall be <br />submitted to the Planning Commission which may require the agreement to contain <br />provisions requiring the posting and/or periodic payment of escrow funds by the private <br />entity to guarantee proper maintenance of the facility. <br />Section 6.07 Standards and Requirements for Development Near Watercourses <br />(a) Watercourse Setback Requirements. <br />3. Purpose. In order to minimize the potential for slumping, bank failures, landslides, other <br />environmental impacts, and the associated damage to structures and property certain <br />requirements are established by this ordinance for all proposed subdivisions adjacent to <br />blue line perennial watercourses, as identified on the most recent version of a 1:100,000 or <br />1:24,000 USGS quadrangle.