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<br />Jun.20, 2007 12:04PM <br />Jun.18.2007 2:37PM <br /> <br />Cass County HighwaY Dept, <br />Ca~s County HighwaY Dept, <br /> <br />No,6495 p,P,' 2/2 <br />NO,b4DU <br /> <br />CITY OF GARDNER <br />2001 ADUL'I' MOSQun'o CONT1~OL AOlmr!MBNT <br /> <br />Thi~ Iigrcarnlll\llhr c';Onlrllclllprllyins to conlTol ~dult mosqUitOCN ;11 mlldc hclwQCn the Cfty OrOMfl11"1er wl1Qse office <br />1!11lt 280 sift Street. Gal'dner, ND ~80J6 herein.dier CITY, and the Cass C~m1Y COIT1lYlission, whose Qftic:e is at 211 Ninth <br />Street, l'1U'&0, North })aJeola 58108. Mallin! address is 130)( 280611argo ND, S8108 bereinafter COUN1'Y. <br /> <br />THE PARTI,BS STlPlIl.^ TB ^ND AGREB AS FOLLOWS; <br /> <br />1) COUNTY agrees to lllkllllLcf'8 tu conll"1l1 nlOlj'fuito larva till part l>f1L$ ongoing mosqL\IIO clJnlrul prt)grRm <br />at no QOst to the Ci1y commensurate witb tho County rosoUTcell availabl.. The C(lU1Ity ml.:lY also provide bf\rrior <br />appllcnllons at iu discretion at no cost liS pnrt oftJu~ control pJ'Onrl\lll. CQunty will provide these services without <br />l'urlhur reqLlesl Of nnli1il.:~iun trum Ihe! City. <br /> <br />2) City agroos to notify Counry vis tolephone, elnnil; or fncsimile each tJme the City wishes to reedye. <br />uil)'-wide adult mOJ:lquito lCpl'llying. <br /> <br />3) LUUNTY agrees to apply 8n insecticide for contl'ol of adult mosquito populations throughollt the ell)' <br />S~rcl.I~ whun rl;quc!llcd by lhe City. ^J'lpllcalinn will be in aeeordanoc Wilh rrnUlufacnver's instructions. Tbe <br />Count)' will endeavor to comply with the City's request) but OXltct Liming (If t.:aI.-h :t\'lplicaliun will be at the <br />dlllor~lion u r lhc Counl)'. <br /> <br />4) Cny agrees to pa)'$IOO.OO pili' ilpplication. <br /> <br />S) COUNTY will bill CITY lor lIcrviccll rendered. Payments fot services to be ~e within 30 days. <br /> <br />6) COUNTY agrees to llSlume IIU liabllit)l and agr.,es to lnaemnlty aml dcli.:nJ Lhe CITY frum ltll diTcctand <br />indirect, ptQ1Ccnlllnd r t.dun: clllims or causcs of action, which in any way tesnlt from the activitiw; oftbe COUNTY <br />tn c.ompletion of the tltsk.s stated or may T'Ol'ult fmm lh<:l doelslona, ~olmnondations. actions, Olllissiol15 of <br />eJc'LIDl'l& Or OthOf errors 011 the plU1 of COUNTY, its employees or oontnlctl.1t"5lF1d any fltLrL frum which COUNTY <br />ma.)' obtllln h\f\':JrmlALi4," m l<<.'fVicc." n)r lite completion of the same. '0)1$ uS\lmptlan (If liilbility and %",eElment to <br />hold hAl'Inless is intended to covor In)' present. or future )l()dViLic:i und~18ken by COUNTY In furthornnce of [his <br />I:Il(r"''\."mcnt. <br /> <br />7) C.ITY agrt!~ to aB.\Ium" ;ill Jillbi lily aTIU Bl&fCC8 !.o jnd~rlllllty and dlltend tM COUNTY from all direct and <br />indlroct. pr06:b1lt and fun Ire claims or causes of a.ction, which in any w-.y rcwll front the activities of the City In <br />O()Tl'lflkLi~m uf lh'l I.llXk~ s\ah~d heroin or Ina)' result from the decisiona, rOQOT11mendabQnll,\il,Ht~, ~)mis$l,ms i.'f <br />actions Qr other errors on tilo part (IrCITY, itlJ l,.'lTlplo)'cc!l or Conll"8ctOI'll and IIny pm from which CJTY 1'&'11 obtain <br />informaTion or services fbr the completion of the same. This ~umpliun ur Iillbi lily and agrcemont to hold harmlL:.Sll <br />iN intended leI C,l( "flY pr~ent or fuh1re actIvities undel"t8ken by CITY in furt1'lC'rancQ (lfUtis 1l"''1''e::u,,'ent. <br /> <br />Uated thl.clf? .clay of '-~ .2007. <br /> <br />Chl:l.imum, Cll~ CL)tmly Board OfCOI1UDissioners <br /> <br />City Point ofContac( for MOSC}\llto Control (please print Dame) <br /> <br />.~ ~' ",," <br />- :IeJe.... ftCisifm ~ k..t <br />Phon'llUmbl.'I"(N) y ~ . t1-;'31 nom ~ I .j j ~ fJ(~1-f)JJ $ ~ (i) V\tt lV(O. CtD~ <br /> <br />Mayor, City of _ Jt{ (~ ftt(/:S~& t1. <br /> <br />J:W...DII2007 V~r Dla.dner Canlncl :IIlC7.dw <br />