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March 31st 2022 <br />Cass County <br />Subject: Gill Township slide repair 2022 <br />Gill Township would like to submit a project for partial funding using Cass County Sales Tax. <br />This project involves the repair of a road bed that is eroding into a natural drain that runs adjacent to <br />the road on east side of section 18. This location is north of the road bed repair we performed last year. <br />During periods of high water the slope of the road has eroded away and the proper back slope is no <br />longer in place. <br />The project will include back sloping the road bed and placing rip rap to ensure that the road bed stays <br />in place during future high water events. The project will also include cutting a larger bottom to the <br />channel to move the main water pressure farther away from the road bed. <br />Our estimate for this project is $36,084. $22,800 of the project is labor. The remaining $13,284 is for <br />the Rip Rap that is to be placed on the road side of the ditch being repaired. <br />Gill Township is respectfully requesting $27,063 to assist in this project. <br />To the best of our knowledge their currently is no other funding available to assist the township with <br />this project. <br />Gill Township will be responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of this project once complete. <br />Respectfully submitted <br />Gill Township Road Supervisors <br />Todd Weber (chair) 218-790-3123 <br />Jason Schatzke 701-361-2979 <br />Dallas Hoffmann 701-238-7842