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<br />Commission Minutes-November 1, 2004 2814 <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt provided a print-out of an aerial view showing the Orchard Glen slide area, along <br />with a partial list of other slide areas, which includes approximately 18 situations, some of <br />which involve numerous private properties. He estimated there are hundreds of slide areas <br />in Cass County. Mr. Berndt also prepared a list of suggested guidelines regarding river <br />bank slides and erosion problems. He said the Orchard Glen slide area is somewhat unique <br />because the majority of it is on county land. He believes the repair estimate of $100,000 <br />proposed at the last commission meeting will fix the problem. <br /> <br />Mr. Meyer suggested approaching the property owner about a cost-share situation under <br />these circumstances. Mr. Vanyo was concerned about setting a precedent by participating <br />in any slide repair project. <br /> <br />On behalf of his mother, Mr. Murphy said he believes the county is devaluing her property <br />by not doing anything to repair the slide area. He would encourage the county to proceed <br />with repairs as a matter of fairness and being a good neighbor, and he included concern for <br />the safety of children who may wander onto the property. He said his mother may be willing <br />to consider a cost-sharing arrangement and offering to agree not to sue the county for <br />making repairs should the situation be made worse in an attempt to fix it. <br /> <br />Mr. Selbo agreed with Mr. Birst that an adjoining landowner does not have responsibility as <br />it relates to the natural surface of the property; however, he said the property is probably not <br />in its natural state since there was likely some fill material added when the area was <br />developed. He does not believe repairing the slide in this area is setting a precedent <br />because it is a different situation than other slide areas. If the county wishes, he said it <br />would not be difficult to prepare the appropriate legal document where all parties are <br />releasing each other and waiving any claims in the future. Mr. Birst said he would be willing <br />to meet with the property owners or the county engineer to discuss the situation further. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett asked if Mr. Rogne wished to address the board on this topic, and Mr. Rogne <br />said he is concerned about the future of the subdivision road because he believes the <br />riverbank has eroded almost 20 feet in the last two years. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo said Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) dollars were used after <br />the 1997 flood to buyout certain properties, and he is thinking perhaps the county should <br />not have purchased this property in the first place. Mr. Berndt said county officials did not <br />know of this slide area at the time of the flood buy-out. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt was asked about the best time of year to do this type of work, and he replied that <br />additional erosion may take place but he does not see the house being in danger, He said <br />summer is typically the best time of year to do most types of construction projects. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum said it appears to be the consensus of the board for Mr. Berndt to continue the <br />dialogue and keep the board informed of the situation. <br /> <br />10. COURT FACILITIES, Grant funds for improvements and maintenance <br />In a memo to commissioners dated October 22,2004, County Coordinator Bonnie Johnson <br />provided background information on a bill passed in the last legislative session establishing <br />a court facilities improvement advisory committee. Mr, Wagner served as a member of the <br />committee to establish rules and operational procedures for making grant funds available to <br />all counties for court facility improvements and maintenance. <br />