d. Local emergency planning committee members
County Commission
Consent agenda
d. Local emergency planning committee members
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5/15/2007 9:11:32 AM
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5/15/2007 9:10:52 AM
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<br />Sixtieth <br />Legislative Assembly <br />1 supplement local govemments to protect lives and property, to provide for public <br />2 health and safety, or to avert or lessen the threat of a disaster. <br />3 4. "Emergency management" means a comprehensive integrated system at all levels <br />4 of government and in the private sector which provides for the development and <br />5 maintenance of an effective capability to prevent. mitigate, prepare for, respond to, <br />6 and recover from known and unforeseen hazards or situations, caused by an act of <br />7 nature or man, which may threaten, injure, damage, or destroy lives, property, or <br />8 our environment. <br />9 5. "Homeland security" means a concerted national effort to prevent terrorist attacks <br />10 within the United States. reduce America's vulnerability to terrorism. and minimize <br />11 the damage and recover from attacks in the United States. <br />12 6. "Incident command system" means a standardized on-scene incident management <br />13 concept desiQnated specificallv to allow responders to adopt an inteQrated <br />14 organizational structure equal to the complexity and demands of any single <br />15 incident or multiple incidents without beinQ hindered by iurisdictional boundaries. <br />16 7. "Mass care" means food, clothing, shelter, and other necessary and essential <br />17 assistance provided to a large number of affected people in response to, or <br />18 recovery from, a disaster or emergency. <br />19 8. "National incident management svstem" means a system that provides a <br />20 consistent nationwide approach for federal. state. and local governments to work <br />21 effectively and efficiently together to prepare for. respond to. and recover from <br />22 domestic incidents regardless of cause. size. or complexitv. <br />23 SECTION 4. AMENDMENT. Subsections 3 and 6 of section 37-17.1-06 of the North <br />24 Dakota Century Code are amended and reenacted as follows: <br />25 3. The division of homeland security shall talm aA iAtegrel flsFt iA provide technical <br />26 assistance for the development and revision of local disaster or emergency <br />27 operations plans prepared under section 37-17.1-07. T a tl:lis eAEI it sl:lall efAl3lay ar <br />28 atReR.vise seel:lfe tRD sefViees at prefessieAel SAEI teeAAiesl pefgeAAcl eSl3sble at <br />29 13F8'.'iEliAg C)(fleFt assietaAee is leeal efAe~eAey fASAagefAeAt e~sAii!8tiaAs. <br />30 TRese l3ef9aAAel sRal\ 88A91:l1t ",:itR laeal efAergeAey fASAsgefAeAt s~aAizatiaAs aA <br />31 e fegl:J1aFly seReEll:lleEl basis aAEI sAolI fAalEe #ielEl e)(aR'liAatisAs at tRe orcos, <br /> <br />Page No. 3 <br /> <br />78078.0300 <br />
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