d. Local emergency planning committee members
County Commission
Consent agenda
d. Local emergency planning committee members
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5/15/2007 9:11:32 AM
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5/15/2007 9:10:52 AM
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<br />Sixtieth <br />Legislative Assembly <br />"emergency fund" and may not be deducted from the budget as otherwise provided by law. <br />2 Each county may create an emergency fund, and all taxes levied for emergency purposes by <br />3 any county, when collected, must be deposited in the emergency fund, and must be used only <br />4 for emergency purposes caused by the destruction or impairment of any county property <br />5 necessary for the conduct of the affairs of the county, emergencies caused by nature or by the <br />6 entry by a court of competent jurisdiction of a judgment for damages against the county. The <br />7 emergency fund may not be used for any road construction or maintenance, except for repair of <br />8 roads damaged by nature within sixty days preceding et:teR the determination to expend <br />9 emergency funds, or for the purchase of road equipment: however. the emergency fund may be <br />10 used to match federal funds appropriated to mitigate damage to roads related to a federally <br />11 declared disaster that occurred more than sixty days precedina the determination. Any <br />12 unexpended balance; remaining in the emergency fund at the end of any fiscal year; must be <br />13 kept in et:teR the fund. When the amount of money in the emergency fund, plus the amount of <br />14 money due the fund from outstanding taxes, equals the amount produced by a levy of five mills <br />15 on the taxable valuation of property in a county with a population of thirty thousand or more, or <br />16 ten mills on the taxable valuation of property in a county with a population of less than thirty <br />17 thousand, the levy authorized by this section must be discontinued, and no further levy may be <br />18 made until required to replenish the emergency fund. <br /> <br />Page No. 14 <br /> <br />78078.0300 <br />
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