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Flood Sales Tax Committee—April 5, 2021 1 FLOOD SALES TAX COMMITTEE APRIL 5, 2021—1:00 PM 1. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER <br />Commissioner Mary Scherling called a virtual meeting of the Flood Sales Tax <br />Committee to order on Monday, April 5, 2021, at 1:03 PM, with the following present: County Finance Director Michael Montplaisir; County Commissioner Mary Scherling; County Commissioner Rick Steen; County Administrator Robert Wilson; and Joint Water Resource District Representative Rodger Olson. County Engineer <br />Jason Benson was absent. <br /> Also present were Deputy County Engineer Tom Soucy; Engineers Kurt Lysne and Brandon Oye of Moore Engineering; Corey Hoglund of Maple River Township, Dallas Hoffman and Todd Weber of Gill Township, and project applicant Kathy <br />Auka. <br /> 2. MINUTES APPROVED MOTION, passed Mr. Steen moved and Mr. Montplaisir seconded that the minutes <br />of the previous meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. 3. FLOOD SALES TAX FUND UPDATE Mr. Montplaisir reviewed the Flood Sales Tax Fund, which has a current balance of $8.5 million. He said in the last 10 years a few years saw a decrease; however, <br />last year there was a 5% increase. Encumbrances for approved projects total <br />$2,807,528.97, which leaves $5,712,431.50 of uncommitted funds available for county projects. Mr. Soucy gave an update on the Hofer Home Buyout that was approved at the <br />June 1, 2020, meeting to pay up to 90% of the total project cost of $569,202. He <br />said funds were granted through the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services in the amount of $512,281.80 and if funds are approved through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, they would get another $85,000 to fund the project, thus significantly reducing the amount of funds needed from the Flood <br />Sales Tax to only about $8,500. 4. STATUS OF PREVIOUSLY APPROVED PROJECTS Mr. Lysne and Mr. Soucy gave updates on the status of various projects they were familiar with. <br /> Mr. Lysne said the 2013 Maple-Steele Dam project has been completed and no further funds will be requested. MOTION, passed Mr. Montplaisir moved and Mr. Steen seconded to de-obligate <br />funds from the 2013 Maple-Steele Dam project. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Lysne said the 2015 Harwood Levee Improvements project has been completed and no other cost reimbursements will be requested. MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Montplaisir moved and Mr. Steen seconded to de-obligate