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<br />Mar 27 2007 8:56AM <br /> <br />Fargo Public Schools <br /> <br />4461226 <br /> <br />1='. 17 <br /> <br />The 40 Developmental Assets~ for Grades 6-12 <br /> <br />The EXTERNAL Assets <br /> <br />SUPPORT 0 Family support. Family life provides high levels ;::f love and S'.JppOrt. <br />. Posltfvt fdmily communication' Yeung person ad her or his parent(s) comml.-nicate positively, and yeung <br />. person is willing to seel~ advice and counsel from parene(s). <br />. Othe,adult ,e/t1tfgn,hips. Yaung person receives suppOrt from 6ree or more r.onparent adults. <br />. Ca,/ng neighborhood · Young person experiences caring r.elghbo:s. <br />o CorIng schoo/clfmffte. School provides a cering, e:'H::ocraging enmonment. <br />e 'annt lnvolvem.nt In ,choollng . Parem(s) llre actively involved in he:ping )/Ol,.;ng person succeed in schoo]. <br /> <br />EMPOWERMENT 0 <br />o <br />o <br />CD) <br />BOUNDARIES" (D <br />IlXPECTATIONS G <br />(D <br />m <br />6' <br />CI <br />CONSTRUCTIVE (I) <br />USE OF TIME <br />(D <br />tJ) <br />fI!) <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />f) <br /> <br />Community WIllies youth. Young person perceives that adults in ~'.:te :ommUnl;:Y value youth. <br />\'(:ruth as rHOUrces . Young people are given useful roles in tiH~ communit'y'. <br />Servi~~ to others. Young person serves in the cOffirr.uru:y one hour or more ?er week. <br />Safery · Young person feels safe at home, at school, and in the ne;ghbo:-hood. <br /> <br />Family boundarlrilS · Family has dear rules and consequences, end :nOUltD!S r.~e Y;:lung person's whereAbouts. <br />School boundctrla . School provides clear rutes and carlsequerJ.ces. <br />Neighborhood boundarl., · Neighbors take responsibility for moni:c.!'ir.g young people/s behavior. <br />Adutr role mod./1 · Parent(s) and other adults mode.! positive, respc.::1sible behavior. <br />PositlvepHl'lnlfullnce- Young persoll's best tt'lends model responsible beh<!v:or. <br />High .p.t:tatlcms . Both parenc(s) and teachers encourage the yaung person to co well. <br /> <br />C'f!atJlffla~tilrities - Young ptrscn spends three or more :"OU1'5 per week m lessons or practice ir: rousle, <br />mea tef, Or other arts. <br />Youth programs · Young person spends three or me,!! hours per week in sports. cl~b5, or organJ2:a.i:ions ai: <br />school and/or in community org1lnizaciom. <br />R.llgioU5 community' Young person spends one hour or more per week in activities in a religiou3 Instirutlon. <br />T1m. at home · Young person IS O'J~ with friends "with nothlrlg spcci.a: :0 do" tvv'o or fewer nights per week. <br /> <br />The INTERNAL Assets <br />COMMITMENT GJ <br />TO LEARNING +>> <br />G) <br />e <br />e <br />. <br />ED <br />fD <br />. <br />QI) <br />Q <br />SOCIAL. 41 <br />COMPETENCIES CD <br />G) <br />4' <br />(0 <br />G <br />f1) <br />~ <br />I>> <br /> <br />-tf' <br /> <br />posmVE <br />VALUES <br /> <br />ED <br /> <br />@ <br /> <br />POSITIVE <br />IDENTITY <br /> <br />i) <br /> <br />Ac"'ell.ment motlvdtion · Young pefS on i,; motivated to do welllr. sC:-:'CJol. <br />Sthoo/.ngag.rm.nt . Young pets en is actively engaged m learni:'l.g. <br />HomQwork. Young person reports doing at least one hour of :-Lo:;l~wcrl< ~very school day. <br />Befldlflg to schec/. Young person cares about her or his schoo~. <br />Reading for p/easur, · Young ~erson reads for ple;:s \.Ire three or mere hours per week <br /> <br />Car/ltg - Young pe:son plilces high v:alue on helping other peo?le. <br />Eqwfllltyand IDdI:II}&lstlce . Young perscn places high value on promoting equaJi:y ane reducing hung~r and poverty. <br />Infegrtry. Young person acts 0:-, convictions and stands up for ber or his beliefs <br />Honesty · Young person "tells 6e truth even when it is not easy." <br />R,spon"bility. Young person accepts and takes personal respor,sibiht'y <br />R.8trailtt. Young person believes It 1S important !lot to be sexually active or to use a!cohol or other drugs <br /> <br />P#tJnning and dtliC;J;on making' Young pe:rson\..'s how co :)1.1n ahead and 1T..ake cholces. <br />IftNrpe'~anQI (amperen.:.. Young person has etq:amy. ser.sitlvity. and frie:ndship skLlls. <br />Cultured (ompet.nce I Young person has knowledge of and comfort Wlt.>t people of different <br />ethnic backgrounds. <br />RfJistQnce sid/Is. Young pe:SOE can resist negat:ve Feer pressure .or.a c.anger::Jus si::uaw:ns. <br />P.acefulconfl/ctnsoJution. Yeung person seeks :0 resolve conflict nonvi::'Jlently. <br /> <br />~'$"nal power' Young person feels he or she ha~ cantro; ove~ "chlngs that happer: to me '. <br />Stt[f-estelm . Young person reports having a high selE.esteem. <br />SflmifH:i'pUrpose . Young per~on reForts that "my hfe has a p.....rpose.. <br />PO$;tJve v/tlWoFp,rlo"alfutur.. Young person ,6 optim!shc about her Or hlS personal fucure. <br /> <br />Thl$ chatt may be r~pmduc~d !ar ~ducational. ntlncol'>lJ'1eJCloJl uses emly, [),.>w;,,:oad tl;i~ anrl in'oi'J~atlc,\" a~ W'!vw..ean:h.,n;titute.ocg. <br />COP)'''Sr.t it> 2006 Scatc!\ ln511tut~, (\1~ Plr~t Avenue NE, St,,~. as. Mmn.'PQIi., MN .55413, aO().SSB.7828, VlW\v"tarch-inst, All Rjglm Reserved. <br />~'1~~ 1/!}{1t!JVt'l'y.-M .:,,.~ 1'~.~iGt~...!:d'fJ.bu:. <!If t:.",~,.<:J, !"r:I;lt.'(~. S'd~lo..'.l.,. '~':'Iit"h.!if.. n"'>..,l""pJ....~n~a' A..""".,.1lIl ,nerd /.;'",.",,,'r/,)' C,..............i..."" .. J?-I~"...lrt<y VC>.~r,l".. <br />