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<br />Description of Project Property <br /> <br />II. <br /> <br /> <br />-] <br />Se.e"h"~ 33 I' -ro -.J^ s /-. ~ I <br />v..J~~t of ~ t=r,ffk ! <br />I <br /> <br />51>"""-f1... 0_ f ffru- &1' I, ~"tJ -Ir-- I <br />I <br />~ Owned [J Leased : <br /> <br />12. <br /> <br />If the answer to 11 is leased. will the benefit ot any illl'c'ntl\e granted aeerlle to the prOlect uperator'.' <br /> <br />DYes <br /> <br />D No <br /> <br />13 <br /> <br />\\'ill the project be located in a new struetllre or an e\.l,ting facility" <br /> <br />If the properly \\ ill bc leascd, attach a copy of the leasc' or othcr agrec'ment establishing the project operator's benefits. <br /> <br />~ i\C\\ D Existing <br /> <br />Ifexlsting facility, when was it constrlleted'.' <br /> <br />If ne\\ construction, complete thc following: <br /> <br />a, Estimated date of eommcncement of construction uf the project CO\ ered by tillS .1Ppllcatiun /lAo.. r I, <br /> <br />I <br />! <br />i <br />I <br />b. Descnption of project to be constrllcted incllldlng sl/e. type and qllaltty of construction I <br /> <br /> <br />I. :::'''mbl,~~o:t,"::'~'~~':'lt~::I~~~:3~~; ~-4) <br /> <br />-y-- -0 I <br />Approximate date of commencement ofopcratlOns for thiS projcet ~, -- <br /> <br />Joo7 <br /> <br /> <br />14. <br /> <br />15. Estimated market vallie of the property lIsed <br />r;;~)iect: <br /> <br />1(;. Estimatc taxable. \ aluatlOn of thl.: property eligtble <br />for eXemptIOn by mllltiplYll1g the market vJlues by <br />5 perecnt: <br /> <br />a, Land <br /> <br />S~/OOO, 00'0 <br /> <br />a. Land Inol eltgiblc I <br /> <br />~~~~~~ <br /> <br />b.l:xlsling bllildings and <br /> <br />struclures for whIch an <br />exemption IS c1aimcd 5 <br /> <br />b <br /> <br />b, Eligiblo: cxlsting building, and <br />strllclurL" <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />c. Ne\\ Iy eonstrllcted bllildings <br />and structllrcs when <br />completed S ).0, t) 0 0, "DO <br /> <br />~. NeIlly con5t bllildill,~s c\: SlrUClllres <br />when completed <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />d, Tlllal <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />sl~ 000, ~ 00 <br /> <br />d. Totaltaxablc \ aluatIun ld prupc'l'ty <br />eligible fur exemptIon <br />(Add lines b & C) <br /> <br />s <br /> <br />e. i\.lachll1c'ry and <br />equipmenl <br /> <br />c. Enter the eonsolid..lted 111111 1~lll' for the <br /> <br />appropnate ta\. IIlg dhtJ'lct S <br /> <br />f. Annual "mount of the t~l\ L'Xc'l11ption <br />(LlI1e d llIultiplied b\ line c'l S <br />