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<br />"t NOR04..0000 <br />Genera\ perml <br />" S-ystem <br />E\\m\nat\on . s ' eer's Off'lce <br />\ rJo\\utant O\Schar9t~lanagetOent practIce Id Il'1e cass cou~~~~~~~ 0\ tne ciWOf <br />tl tion3 r pp 6es ... ' hOU"'no cou...a' e ~ a<dOU' <br />ort\l oa\<o\3 ;\lase \I tAS4 SWp w,sTE ,o,es,ga\e~:t:%:~~~'::~~:a~~~ ~a<~" ~':::~a;'" p:~'09 <br />~ass CoU nt.'J ~ f j\.nnual Report E"'EN,,~E ~ous~~g;~~ER y"R ha"':~''''t''O tho u,"~e~~o' to 'his ~:::., a\1e",a"~~;:;taria\s' <br />l006 pennit ea ..,slO cOLLEC11ON '~~LECT'Qt>l PR~;;:01E F,CIUT'< usE ~~" ",~e~~::: ~;.~.. ",a",>le dls",,,a' Ol~:,,;co,Oh~d '11 be <br />~......oous ENO 0",' ","0 101-''''' ao 0"" _,Ie. 1he a""'" as,a ",Ieeted "" 01 <br />uoUSEHOLD . eluded on tne cou na:z.ardoUS w. ''''e effectiveness <br />,0 tA In monItor u. <br />,l'ROGRII' used to . participation, <br />tne county s <br /> <br />\ .II\.C <br /> <br />CONlINUE 10 6UILO PW1NERSi-IIPS <br /> <br />\ partnersnips with otner lOcal <br />Investigated tM us~ of montl'lIY sa e;; ~gencies will allOW collaboration on <br />_,og' b' 01'..",",,' ,Ia' 01 [he ::' \\00'" ,_ """, "",oage"'OO' ,,sues, <br />CouoW ~\gh"'" Gepa_'" "sao 0 uCO publIC edUCO\\Oo ..-,os, "od . <br />cotraach opportu"'''' publiC ......"eh "",WIlleS COOce",,,,g <br />toe impacts of storm water <br />discnarges. potential resource- <br />snaring partnersniPS will contin~e 10 <br />be identifIed and establiSMd Wlto <br />otMr governmental. volunteer. <br />nonprofit. and student groups. 1M <br />number of partnersoiPS used to <br />promote storm water pollution <br />prevention iSsues will be used to <br />monitor tnis 13MI'. <br /> <br />lne annual meeting Is used to <br />addresS tne results 0\ tne previOUS <br />year's SWPPP prior to submitting <br />toe annual report \0 1M NOOI-I and <br />was Mid at toe cass County <br />courthOUse. NO wrl\len or oral <br />commenls recel'ied from tM public. <br /> <br />PARiNERSHIPIOUiREACH EFFORiS <br /> <br />,\.\\\.0 <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br /> <br />d S ary SWppp to cass counW <br />RE"leWIPRESENT p,S1 yEAt<S PER"'''~resen:Sion~S:n February 2'\, 2006. I-Ield a <br />","NU^, pUBLIC "EETlOG ,'CCo",PLISH"'ENTS BY END OF ",p,RC~ C""'.'" . 21 2006 to ,~Iei\ <br />(This ",as 3 ,poelf'" .....",..."""Od .......",es') \'2006' suB"''' ","NU" REpORT 10 ';~;~ ~;:~~;: "" th~ C,;", ccoo" swPPP <br /> <br />IPRI""'CY' aod p"seo' [he aooual """rt \0< [he 2006 <br /> <br />permit year. <br /> <br />,\.\\I.E <br /> <br />. ,c of counW storm \IIIater \IIIebpage <br />0.----- ",,,,,,h""""'" Co,", 01 thO publiC oouce use" 10< 'he 300ual pu.he ","'00. "'" <br /> <br />Page 2 <br /> <br />county pnase II S\NPPP 2006 final <br />