h. Contract approval
County Commission
Consent agenda
h. Contract approval
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<br />one type of insured or self-funded Benefit is elected, sub-accounts shall be established for each <br />type of insured or self-funded Benefit. <br /> <br />1.22 "Salary Redirection" means the contributions made by the Employer on behalf <br />of Participants pursuant to Section 3.2. These contributions shall be converted to Cafeteria Plan <br />Benefit Dollars and allocated to the funds or accounts established under the Plan pursuant to <br />the Participants' elections made under Article V. <br /> <br />1.23 "Salary Redirection Agreement" means an agreement between the Participant <br />and the Employer under which the Participant agrees to reduce his Compensation or to forego <br />all or part of the increases in such Compensation and to have such amounts contributed by the <br />Employer to the Plan on the Participant's behalf. The Salary Redirection Agreement shall apply <br />only to Compensation that has not been actually or constructively received by the Participant as <br />of the date of the agreement (after taking this Plan and Code Section 125 into account) and, <br />subsequently does not become currently available to the Participant. <br /> <br />1.24 "Spouse" means "spouse" as defined in the self-funded plan or the legally <br />married husband or wife of a Participant, unless legally separated by court decree. <br /> <br />ARTICLE II <br />PARTICIPATION <br /> <br />2.1 ELIGIBILITY <br /> <br />Any Eligible Employee shall be eligible to participate hereunder as of the date he <br />satisfies the eligibility conditions for the Employer's group medical plan, the provisions of which <br />are specifically incorporated herein by reference. However, any Eligible Employee who was a <br />Participant in the Plan on the effective date of this amendment shall continue to be eligible to <br />participate in the Plan. <br /> <br />2.2 EfFECTIVE DATE Of PARTICIPATION <br /> <br />An Eligible Employee shall become a Participant effective as of the date on <br />which he satisfies the requirements of Section 2.1. <br /> <br />2.3 APPLICATION TO PARTICIPATE <br /> <br />An Employee who is eligible to participate in this Plan shall, during the applicable <br />Election Period, complete an application to participate and election of benefits form which the <br />Administrator shall furnish to the Employee. The election made on such form shall be <br />irrevocable until the end of the applicable Plan Year unless the Participant is entitled to change <br />his Benefit elections pursuant to Section 5.4 hereof. <br /> <br />An Eligible Employee shall also be required to execute a Salary Redirection <br />Agreement during the Election Period for the Plan Year during which he wishes to participate in <br />this Plan. Any such Salary Redirection Agreement shall be effective for the first pay period <br />beginning on or after the Employee's effective date of participation pursuant to Section 2.2. <br /> <br />Notwithstanding the foregoing, an Employee who is eligible to participate in this <br />Plan and who is covered by the Employer's insured or self-funded Benefits under this Plan shall <br />automatically become a Participant to the extent of the Premiums for such insurance unless the <br />Employee elects, during the Election Period, not to participate in the Plan. <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />'liI17'l <br />
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