1. Sheriff Dept contracts
County Commission
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1. Sheriff Dept contracts
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1/9/2007 2:51:12 PM
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1/9/2007 2:40:26 PM
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<br />2. TERM OF CONTRACT <br /> <br />The term of this contract is for a period of 24 months, commencing on the 1st day of January 2007 <br />and terminating on the 31st day of December 2008. <br /> <br />3. COMPENSATION <br /> <br />In consideration of the STATE's satisfactory performance of services called for under this <br />agreement, the COUNTY shall reimburse the STATE, upon submission of a Request for Payment, <br />the established per diem rate of $146.64, as well as reimbursement for any medical expenses the <br />STATE has incurred on behalf of the juvenile. The rate covers one person per day. Services will <br />not be billed for the day of arrival, but will be billed for the day of departure. <br /> <br />If a juvenile were on an unauthorized absence (AWOL) or an authorized status such as (COURT), <br />billing will not include the time beyond three days. <br /> <br />The STATE shall bill for services provided on a monthly basis. Monthly Requests for Payment <br />shall list each juvenile, the specific dates of confinement for each, and the total days to be <br />reimbursed, the agreed upon rate per day, and the total amount billed (total days multiplied by the <br />rate per day). <br /> <br />The per diem rate shall be established on the basis of actual costs associated with the operation of <br />the facility during a recent fiscal year. Notification of any rate increase shall be made at least thirty- <br />days (30) days prior to the effective date of the rate increase. <br /> <br />4. TERMINATION OF CONTRACT <br /> <br />a. Termination without cause. This contract may be terminated by mutual consent of <br />both parties, or by either party upon 30 days' written notice. <br /> <br />b. Termination for lack of funding or authority. The STATE may terminate this contract <br />effective upon delivery of written notice to the COUNTY, or on any later date stated in the <br />notice, under any of the following conditions: <br /> <br />1) If funding from federal, state, or other sources is not obtained and continued at <br />levels sufficient to allow for purchase of the services or supplies in the indicated <br />quantities or term. The contract may be modified by agreement of the parties in <br />writing to accommodate a reduction in funds. <br /> <br />2) If federal or state laws or rules are modified or interpreted in a way that the services <br />are no longer allowable or appropriate for purchase under this contract or are no <br />longer eligible for the funding proposed for payments authorized by this contract. <br /> <br />3) If any license, permit or certificate required by law or rule, or by the terms of this <br />contract, is for any reason denied, revoked, suspended or not renewed. <br />
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