County Commission
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<br />Commission Minutes-January 2, 2007 3165 <br /> <br />9. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS IMPROVEMENTS FOR 2007, Juvenile detention security <br />system action postponed; air handler replacement bid awarded to Grant's Mechanical <br />County Coordinator Bonnie Johnson discussed two buildings and grounds issues at the <br />Annex. The first item involves the security system at the Juvenile Detention Center, which <br />is the original system and has not operated well for several years. The second item <br />involves an air handler unit at the Annex, which failed in December and needs to be <br />replaced. <br /> <br />Mrs. Johnson said the 2007 buildings and grounds budget includes funding for <br />improvements to the security system; however, the proposed cost exceeds the budgeted <br />amount. She asked the current jail security vendor, Accurate Controls, to review the project <br />at juvenile detention and they submitted a bid of $123,600, with one alternate. She <br />discussed this issue with Birch Burdick, Glenn Ellingsberg, Mike Montplaisir and Chairman <br />Scott Wagner and all believe the security upgrade is needed for the safety of the staff and <br />security of those who are detained. She is requesting authorization to move $100,000 from <br />the new employee line item at the jail to the annex operational budget to replace the <br />system. The existing sales tax fund will be used to reimburse the jail employee fund as <br />allowed by Ordinance #1999-1 for "operation of a county jail". <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett suggested the project be delayed until the county makes a decision on a new <br />addition and whether juvenile detention will be re-Iocated at the jail in the future. He said <br />the county needs to consider what type of facility will be needed in ten to fifteen years and <br />suggested the project be budgeted in 2008. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk asked what the county is receiving for $123,600. She said the system is 30 <br />years old and parts are not available when repairs are needed and with a new system, there <br />will be new detention hardware control panels, software, monitors and computers. The <br />problem that occurs is the locks sometimes do not engage properly. Mr. Pawluk suggested <br />the proposal be reviewed to possibly find ways to scale back on the costs. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo suggested the county consider how to make the center safe for the moment and <br />possibly look at ways to lower the cost. Mrs. Sorum is concerned about county liability in <br />regard to safety and security of staff and inmates. Mr. Wagner said the project is costly, but <br />because of difficulty finding parts and local vendors, the potential liability needs to be <br />considered. <br /> <br />The commissioners were in agreement to table the item on the juvenile detention security <br />system until the February 5th commission meeting. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Pawluk seconded to award the air handler <br />replacement at the Annex to Grant's Mechanical at a cost not to exceed <br />$39,400. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />10. PUBLIC COMMENT, David Habiger <br />David Habiger, resident of rural Amenia, was present. He said the City of Casselton <br />assessed $1,595 for removal of junk vehicles on his parents' property and the assessment <br />was certified against the real estate taxes. He was never notified of the assessment and he <br />said he, not the city, removed the vehicles off the property. He is asking the county to <br />remove the fine from the real estate taxes. <br />
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