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<br />oct. 30. 2006 8: <br /> <br />ACCURA TEe () \1 T R n l S, I r J l: <br /> <br />ON- RO - I NC <br /> <br />N j()~l ~ L <br /> <br />. <br />· . PLC software <br />PLC pragrammlng <br />· Network switdllng equipment <br />\Ni~ networ1c module with BeQlrtly suite gateway <br />I Touch saeen ope!'!tDr .tatIon Inckldlng CPU, 19" LCD touch SClMn monitors. keyboard ISnd mouse <br />Bacl<up opI!In!tor 8tatloo with CPU, 1 r LCO monitor, keybcen:l and mouse <br />. RI.Igged PDA's and PDA eerwr <br />· Prognil11~ ~re <br />· Touch ~ tys1a/n ptOgl'llt'l'lmlng <br />· UPS units <br />Audio Coml'l'lU1ic8t1on System by DukDne <br />· Audio I'&Ck.S wired and ampletely tested <br />· Amplltlers and dittrtluted twf1:ch banks <br />Imrcom muter slatlon <br />· UPS lIII <br />Video COI'l'lmunicBtlcn System by 8osd1 <br />· CaTV rack wfred and camplet&ly tested <br />· AI arneIM. lenses II"Id housings <br />· MI!lrix 8WIlcher and digitBl rec:order <br />VIdeo monitcr <br />· CamBra power supplies <br />UPS units <br /> <br />Bid Price: <br /> <br />Total Lot Base Bid Price Security System Upgrade. $84,800,00 <br />Total Lot Bu. Bid Pripe Detention Hardware ReDlacem8n~. 138.100.00 <br />Total Lot Bid Prfce. $123,600.00 <br />Deduct frcm CQ' base bid of the I=culy system upgrade prloe $14,100.00 far the c:oet to ellmlnatl!l2 ... 'rugged PeA's, <br />PDA .rver, VVonderware runtlme 1/cen88, wlral.. netl.wrk mcdule with security gateway and lP eudlo c:cnverters. <br /> <br />Narrative DescriDllon orb Sec:uritv Sv8tem Configuration I!I1d Function: <br /> <br />As we discussed during our meeting the I)t9tem that we propcle " lXlrTlpletely non-propriotary In every respect frcm the <br />PLC and 8Oftw&re to the cabinell. This open ard'lil8clure wlll allow for simple integration of other equipment, as well as <br />acccmmodatlng fut1n expansion. <br /> <br />The prime components afthe eystem are the lwo obr operator interfacelI Cine utilIZing a 19" I.CD tcuch screen motlitOr, <br />the baCkup 8f8Iion to utilize a 17" LCD moritor, IBM CPUs, and SCAOA soIIware. This method otters mere !rcubleshClQdng <br />tools, the c:ipabHtty to make c:IwIsee to the operatat 5tatiQrl. more fundlonalty, fewer c:omponenls MflCIl Blcwer poten1lal <br />for1aliJre, backwaItf c:omplllblllty, and the pgt,entlaJ for o1Tslte !rcubll!$hootIn;. Duress tranlierwlU allO be a part oftheso <br />atafions. <br /> <br />Sea.lrlty management funcllons will also be 51 part at 1tle oflic:er operator fntsrfaces vmieh willlcg ead1 and every event of the <br />security automation 8)'8tem. From tflIs terminal, the edmlnbtrator will be able to by event. Iccation, time, and da1i archive, <br />sort and retlIev& Mnla which Vt1J1 be 8CI'lIId via a database. <br /> <br />.AIIo 1nck1d8 as palt of this plqXl8IlIs the \\fl'ele8s C1penator stations 1M'lic:h include 2 - POA's ccmmunleatlng to the security <br />automation system vfa w1re_ Ethem~ The Wondefware ICIftware associated with thsoe units wi reside CX'I a PDA <br />server. As part at' these unit we have Include emblldcled video 80 as to di8play ClamGl8 VIeWs on tho PDA. <br /> <br />The PLC IY*rn will be designee! to canmunlcate on lSn lndustrysfandard 100b8$eTEthemet communication networK. <br />This network style of lXImIT1unlcalJons aIkIws fQr exb9meJy flexible ccnfigu1lllons and can be pieced In .unlque" ~net: <br />layouts thllt in tum can fit hto pl'eCl!riouelcx:allons Odeal fer. retrofit Iilpplcatlon). The PLC equtpment will he I1oI,1$(!(j In the <br />seme GQulpmert cabine!lts where the fteld d8Iiic:M terminate, such 88 door I'l!II}I cablnets. This I8yout requl~ only 120Vac <br />power and a datil c:able between cabin.. It. a110wa II mai'ltenenc;e person to do ~ In only one cabinet <br />Wll'll!lll multiple CIilbInels as is standard with traditional PLC conf!gurallons.. This aim permits eaay implementation of future <br />8}(pBnslon. The ownet'8 maIntenance pecpIe will be able to use ~rd tools for repairs an::I typroal/y are famHiar with the <br />ehl!rIICleriItIc:s of Industry standard 10f:JJaMT n~. <br /> <br />Another 5llfeguard 1tlat v.4II be employed Is the use of a fused terminal 'h1th LEO Indication vAlen the fuse is blov.T1 for eactl <br />control and monitoring fi.u1ctkm for every door. Be8Ica1Iy, this method is to proteQ the system enet the doortom each other. <br />This mcdul8r dNlgn will enly allow the loe8 of B single fi.I'IC:tion anoolated wfth a single door, such 88 the "unJod( tiJnr:;tfQn, <br />and will not affect the "lode" or 'b.llcallon" function of the door. It also provides addltJcnal maIntenImc:e (l&Ip&lblfIty because <br />the power to an indMcfuaI lock 1\Jl'ldionllcck can be easily diAbled. This con1Iguratlon al50 permIts all wlr1ng (control and <br /> <br />InstitUlionill Securlty ling MOO!tQfIOg Sy~t~m.5 <br />