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<br />Application For Abatement And Settlement Of Taxes <br />North Oakot,l Century Code S 57-23-04 <br /> <br />File with the County Auditor on or before November 1 of the year following the year in which the tax becomes delinquent. <br /> <br />State Of North Dakota <br /> <br />Asscssmcnt District () x. ~ 0 \.u <br /> <br />u...:L <br />\ <br />00' "'7() <br /> <br />000 <br /> <br />County Of __ ~ <br /> <br />Property LD. No. 7 ~ - 00 I 0 - <br /> <br />Name <br /> <br />N\'h~ <br /> <br />\. D \'- ,.... <br />~ II ^C',\i'Q."'- \-- \" Jb <br />::< l{ 410 \- 't:- - 0--,(., (} <br />" ----. \ ~l <br /> <br />Address ___1> - 0 . --s. 0 <br /> <br />\...J ~ -;-- D I (j g <br /> <br />Legal des(:ription of the proJlerty involved in this application: <br /> <br />IS \() <::...~- 0 1 l_c T ,,~ <br /> <br />Ox {")e \..o-J CO~^' (,_~~~Io t~~\G--J::iA. <br />\ <br /> <br />Total true and full value of the property described <br />'I 7<.,_", . <br />ahove lor t Ie year Cx'") IS: <br /> <br />], ).,). ').:1:> .-. '" -y \)""'> .)..._~) <br />;:J..-' <br />... --'I~' -- <br />~ y '.1,""1 I (') ,'i' <br /> <br />Total true and full value of the property dl'ScrilH'd <br />above for the year should be: <br /> <br />Land <br /> <br />s ' , ),-.:" t:~,~ <br /> <br />Land <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />lmpnwemellts S <br /> <br />Improvements $ <br /> <br />Total <br /> <br />s c- ~ r::>,-:) <br /> <br />liltal <br /> <br />$ <br /> <br />(1) <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />The difference of $ <br /> <br />true and full valliI' bdween (1) and (2) above is due to the following reason(s): <br /> <br />0 J. <br />'rsl " <br />0 3. <br />D 4. <br />0 5. <br />f.) (I. <br />D 7. <br />0 R. <br />D (). <br />0 10, <br /> <br />Agricultural property true and full value exceeds its agricultural value defined ill N.D.C.C ~.' 57-02-27.2 <br /> <br />Residential or commercial property's tme and full value excceds the market value .'~ , <br />,...,-:~\ . <br />En-or in property description, entering the descnption, or extending the tax ,........,\ \, . <br />. \"" '. ,,- <br />Noncxisting improvement assessed ,..'h, r';' ':- .,\j..).......... <br />'..e. _.', _pc'" <br />Complainant or property is cxempt from taxation (Attach a copy of Application for Property Tax Exe1vlXt~;~> r, '\ <br />Duplicate assessment . f'\ 'J "" <br />,~. <br />Property improvement was damaged by fire, flood or tornado (see N.D.C.C. S 57-23-04(1 leg) i . - d'::" "_,, <br />Error in noting payment of taxes, taxes erroneously pak .' \""':' .' - ':.J c:\:..' ~ ~.' <br />Property qualifies for Homestead Credit according 10 N.D.C.C. 9 57-02-08.1 (Attach a cupy uf 1'lomestea~eitrM1lrcation) <br />Other (Explain) __........__________..__ .......',. <br /> <br />The following facts relate to the market value of the residential or commercial property described above. For agricultural property, go directly to <br />question itS. <br /> <br />I. Purchase pricc of property: $ <br /> <br />Datc l,r iJurchase: <br /> <br />Terms: Cash <br /> <br />Contract <br /> <br />fmJe <br /> <br />Other (explain) _____ <br /> <br />Was there personal property involved in the purchase price'i <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Estimated value: S <br /> <br />yes/no <br /> <br />2. lias the property been offered for sale on the open markct'i__y'..::!?'-- . [I' yes, hov. long'! <br />~ycs/nu <br /> <br />;/ J} .........5: <br /> <br />Asking price: $ Terms of sale: <br /> <br />3. Thc property was independently appraised: 1'00 _ Purpo~e of appraisal: <br />yes/no <br /> <br />Market value estimate: S :~ <br /> <br />I,Jv-.,. CJ....vt A ~l:_._~i! <br /> <br />Appraisal was made by whom? <br />4. The applicant's estimate of market valuc of the property invoi\'cd in this application is $_ c:____ <br /> <br />! 5. The estimated agricultural productive value of this properlY 1;; excessive because of the following cundition(s): <br /> <br />i <br /> <br />O.1r..........,.....~,..~ <br />The Applicant asks that V ~. ~. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />G..~..o \J.......~. T'''-M""""C.\ ~~\ <br /> <br />-.h~ ~ v-0 ~_~"L\ <br />l ~ Q..~-o..... J...;:X~ \t" \ t' A" ~~ <br /> <br />__.._w.___._ " <br /> <br />(!,l ~~'- .J....;.llL.LJ..c <br />'el r=' \ . <br />/I ,\ \ <br />~"T<lo...~ ( J..s>..a.. ~,"-c..'-~ ~C1\(\ > d-$:~ .--Z\ \,.,.s" <br /> <br />0-. ~ Q...l~ ~ <$"'~ ~,<:. . _ --,-'" V-h. <br />~Ot..h... v...::ct ~ (/>'\ 'V\o \J t:::>--JV--9. <br /> <br />By filing this application, I consent to an inspection of the ab(Jvc-uc~cribed propcrty by an authoriLed a~se~smcnt official for the purposc of making all <br />appraisal of the property. I understand the official will give me reasonable notification of the mspection, See N.D.C.C. * 57-23-05.1. <br /> <br />[declare under the penalties of N.D.C.C. S l2.1-11-02, which provides for a Class A misdemeanor for making a false statement ill a governmental <br />matter, that this application is, to the best of my knowledgc and belief. a true and correct application, <br /> <br /> <br />-:r;~fA~~~ ~ ',L'C <br /> <br />Signature of PrepareI' I if other than applicant) <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />l? - L<""1 - oS <br />Date <br /> <br />24775 <br />(Ilevised 11.'1998) <br />