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Agenda Call to Order <br />Welcome Dr. Eaton <br />2021 Aerial Application Contract Dow/Prather <br />2021 Metro Municipal Contracts Prather/Discussion <br />Non-target effects All <br />Adjourn <br />1.Numerous organizations are participating on this issue <br />a.State, Federal, and NGO participation <br />b.Primary agencies leading AMCA & USFWS <br />2.No finding of wrong doing, error, or any judgment against any part for the 8/26/20 application. <br />a.100% by the book and within legal specifications <br />i.Our diligence , protocols, and justification standards are world class <br />b.4 independent investigations with same conclusion <br />3.We have provided hours of testimony, public meetings, and press statements in the past 6 months both <br />locally and nationally <br />4.Please be aware: there are major risks with reactive policy making <br />a.No idea what August 2021 will require <br />b.Peak WNV human transmission occurs in August <br />5.Science and industry are confident that these types of interactions are not supposed to happen. <br />a.Much is left to be debated and determined <br />b.Nationally recognized void in monarch pesticide toxicity information, data, or understanding <br />6.No recognized or established BMP for monarchs <br />a.Not included in the Endangered Species Act (ESA) for 2021 <br />7.No formal conclusion of cause, scope, or unknown aggravating factors <br />8.Citizen input mostly requests additional resources at Cass Vector Control <br />a.No objective or constructive criticism or suggestions <br />b.Most commentary points to increase staff, scope, and operational readiness in Aug-Oct <br />i.New FT Positions <br />1.Public Educator and PR 55 <br />2.Reception & Administrative Assistance 50 <br />3.Right-of Way Supervisor 50 <br />4.2 Field Supervisors 50 <br />5.Assistant Lab Supervisor 55 <br />6.Regulatory Compliance and QC? 50 <br />ii.Anticipated elevated roles as a result of the above: <br />1.Deputy Director 20 <br />2.Technical and Laboratory Services Coordinator 15 <br />3.Application Equipment Specialist 10 <br />iii.Result in 10 FTE on staff for truck spraying in late season <br />1. Metro truck application would still require 2.5 to 3 evenings <br />2. FTE Payroll increase of $250k to $350k <br />3. Seasonal Payroll decrease of ~ $50K <br />9. National discussions are ongoing with no tangible end point in sight <br />a.BMP possible in 2022? <br />10.Several tasks forces have dissolved or failed before initiation with no results