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<br />Commission Minutes-December 4, 2006 3151 <br /> <br />8. CABLE ONE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT, To be renewed in 2009 <br />Scott Geston, General Manager of Cable One, was present. He said the current franchise <br />agreement with the county is due for renewal on or before August 29, 2009. He said the <br />first step in the renewal process is to ask the county about future cable television related <br />needs and interests of the community. Cable One serves about 300 customers in the rural <br />area. <br /> <br />Keith Berndt, County Engineer, suggested that in the next three years the county provide a <br />legal review of the language in the agreement and possibly consider a franchise fee. <br /> <br />Mr. Pawluk discussed concerns with county right of way in regard to all utility providers and <br />suggested "as built" plans be provided to the county that show where cable lines are <br />located. Mr. Geston said electronic CAD drawings are available and will be provided upon <br />request. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo asked that Mr. Geston and Mr. Berndt work together to determine how much a <br />5% franchise fee would generate to see if this would be worthwhile for the county to <br />consider. <br /> <br />9. COURT FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT GRANT, Chairman authorized to sian application <br />Bonnie Johnson, County Coordinator, said the Court Facilities Improvement Advisory <br />Committee was formed a few years ago for county projects to improve or maintain court <br />facilities. Cass County received grant funding in the first round of applications to carpet <br />courtrooms, repair sub-flooring and replace some jury chairs. The county did not receive <br />any grant money in the second round of applications last year. The county allocated <br />$25,000 in matching funds from the 2007 budget for this project. The third round request is <br />for $76,500. She developed a priority list of needs with Rod Olson and Chris Iverson from <br />District Court that include carpeting of office space, jury chair replacement and juvenile court <br />referee office remodeling. <br /> <br />Rod Olson, East Central Judicial District Court Administrator, was present. He feels the <br />plan for next year is satisfactory and feels that future needs of the courts have been taken <br />into consideration. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Bennett moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to authorize the chairman to <br />sign the application for court facilities improvement grant funds for 2007. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />10. RESOLUTION #2006-15, Opposition to Recent Operational Chanae in Radar Approach <br />Control Services at the Farao Tower. Hector International Airport <br />Mr. Pawluk said the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) recently reduced the overnight <br />staff to one person at Hector International Airport in Fargo and re-assigned radar approach <br />control services to the Minneapolis air traffic control center. The Fargo Municipal Airport <br />Authority and the City of Fargo passed a resolution in opposition of the change due to <br />safety, efficiency and service concerns as well as possible overnight closure of the control <br />tower in Fargo. The airport authority will be meeting with the FAA this Thursday to discuss <br />the issue and to request full-time overnight hours be reinstated at the Fargo tower. <br />