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WORK CONDITIONS AND HOURS <br /> <br /> <br />503 Emergency Closings <br />Effective Date: 05/07/2018 <br />On occasion, we may close down for emergencies or extreme weather. <br /> <br />Unless an emergency closing is announced, we expect you to report to work in a timely manner and in accordance with applicable policies. In the event of inclement weather, use your own discretion in deciding whether you can commute safely to work. You should follow the call-in and notice procedures set forth by the Department. <br /> <br />Decisions to Close and Communication <br />In the event of hazardous weather or emergency closings, the Sheriff or his designees Administrator, in coordination with the Sheriff and County Commission Chair, may delay opening of County offices or announce an early closing. Where it appears that closure of <br />County offices for the full day is prudent, the Sheriff or his designee will contact at least two <br />Commissioners, one of whom shall be the Chairman or Vice Chairman if available, and upon their concurrence, the Sheriff or his designee Administrator, in coordination with the Sheriff and County Commission Chair, may close County offices. When the Sheriff has decision has been made to delayed opening for the day, local media and employees will be notified by 6:30 <br />a.m. he shall notify local media prior to 6:30 a.m. Information shall also be posted on the <br />County website. You are responsible for obtaining the information regarding inclement weather and emergency closings. The County storm line phone number is 241-5880. Additional methods of communication will also be used. <br /> <br />For protection and safety reasons, you are not allowed to work at County offices during any periods of closure unless work has been approved by your Department Head. Leave Use and Compensation <br />If we decide to close prior to the start of the workday, including for inclement weather, you will <br />typically be paid for the day, except for hourly employees, who may use annual leave. If you <br />were scheduled to be off, you will not be entitled to any change in compensation. Where If you are required to work and the County is closed, you may receive compensatory time, at the discretion of your Department Head. <br />Where the decision is made to close during the workday, you will receive full pay if you have worked all the hours the County was open during that day. Otherwise, you may be required to use annual leave. If the work day is less than five hours, no lunch breaks are allowed. <br /> If we decide to stay open, but you choose not to work, you must use any annual leave. If you do <br />not have annual leave available, you must take the day unpaid. <br /> <br />Cass County Employee Handbook Page 1 of 1