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<br />ALCOHOUC lW'.v13'Jt,\GES <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />\ <br />\ <br /> <br />r1 <br />.1 <br /> <br />due any stete ta>', lees, or otber cbarges l~r a resident ol n,is ~tate <br />who is at leest wenty-one yeorS of age who ,m~orts 0, ,,.nsport, ",to <br />this state from another state wine for peTSonal use rf the st~te Ir?m <br />wl,ich the wine is sent allowS a TOSldont of \lrat state te roce>,e wnre <br />froln this stote wi tilOUt irn~osihon of state to>', fees, or other charges. <br />A. person who receive"" vI ine u!rder I his ,,,bsect,?n m01.':0\ resell Ure <br />wine. For '"x purposes, reoerp\ of a shrpnent ,nto th". state under <br />this suhseetion is not a sole in t,his state. to. hc.en",d ,,,ne'Y, whole- <br />",\cr, or retoiler in this state may ship wine for p.eTSo,"ul use and not <br />[or resale directly to a resideut of .nother state 11 the state \:" wh,ch <br />t,he ""ne is sont allows resident.' of t\1is state to recerve w,oe sent <br />fcom lhat state wit""ut payment of addition.1 state to>', feeS, or oth~r <br />cbargeS. For to>' purposes, the sl>1pment to.another !tate under thrs <br />subsection is a sale in tbis ,tate. '(he shrpp",g conta",er of anyV/lne <br />sent into or out of this state under this ',:bsection mnst be labDledto <br />indicate clearly Urst the container controus alcohohc beverages and <br />may not he delivered t~ an inUividual who is under twenty-One years <br />of age. to. person in another st~te "",y n?t 5"11 w",. lor sh,prnent to a <br />pOlSon in this state under tbe' subseetron rU an amount rr; ""cess of <br />7.13 gallons \27 llters) of wir;e pet month. sales by a wlMry ",ay <br />include interstate s.les and rnterstate sales through tI,e ,nternet. <br />NTnua1 ,hipping "le6 undOl U>1s sectio? 100M hy a winery in this <br />st,M are in addition to on-pren,is. tashng roonT volu?r~ totalS and <br />_ __ "ot pest 01 tl" winn'Y" n nn ual nn-l,reo)) ,n lotal Inrn tat.rons. <br /> <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />; <br />\ <br /> <br />\ '" .. <br />~ <br /> <br />\ [l\ll:ce: S.1J' W9f.L Cl\. (;9, ~l; 2\1\11. u" <br />\ ~ 11; ZOOl, ch 86, ~ 2; 20Of), ch. 77, \'; 1. <br /> <br />,ctive Date. <br />)0 2005 am, en,dl1,\ent of t}1'is section by <br />ion 1 of ch0-Ilte1' '77. ~j.L 2005 bccanw <br />\:tiVP ,1uly 1, 20N,. <br />18 2001 lIrnendrnenJ, of this section hy <br />'.on I} of c.h(\p\8r M. S,L, ?,(101 is e\Ycdivc <br />.:\1Zahk c'I;el\\s ocell1'ri\1fr, lifter Jun0 SO, <br />'. ,pur ,S\F, \n,t , t(l, ,Sf\etinn 1 g or chapter gel" <br />2(101. <br />\','; ~~()()l an1P',(\-rnp,,1 of tlli2 ..M,j'\I\1\ Ii\' <br /> <br />\ <br />\ <br /> <br />sec.tion '2 of c113pter Sf1, S.L. 2001 became <br />effective A.\lgnst 1, ZOOl. <br />ThIS section I)eearne effective Angust. 1, <br />1999. <br /> <br />Note. <br />Section 5-01-16 WllS al1\ended twice by the <br />Z0011~egislative l\ssem1)ly. I'ntSut\l1t to sel~.' <br />tion 1_02"09.1, the section is printed above to <br />l1armoni7.e anll give e\1'ect to the changes <br />rnadein section 4 l,r cJla?ter P,4, 6.1.. 2.00), <br />an(} ,;i,elio1\ '1, of chnpl'W S6, S.L, '2,0\\1, <br /> <br />;)-01 ~ 17. DOIllCStlc winerY license. <br />. 1. The state "ax commissi~uer nTaY lssne 0 dOUle,Uc winerY license to <br />\ the owner or operator of a winery located within this state to prodnce, <br />. wine. 'fhe percentsge of ingre<lients hy ,olume, eJ'c1udnrg watoC, of <br />wine pmducnd hy a domestic wiuei', which must he grown and <br />produced in UJis stete rnust be at least tenpercent rn the secoud ycar <br />of licensure, twenty percent iu the third year oll,.censure, tluxt;! <br />percent. iu the fourth year of liceusure, forty percent rn the fifth year <br />of liceusu:ro, and futy-one percent. in the SJ>,th and subseque~rt years <br />of licen""e. Domestic wineries may be granted an ""emptron fro", <br />tbe ulgredient ntili1.ntion require.ment. wl\Cneyer the st~te ts>' cmn- <br />missioner dct.rmines, upon tM commiS510Mrs o~~n nTOt,on or at th' <br />"quest of a domestic winer)', that weather cmrd>tlons, pest rnlesta- <br />"i""s, p1ant diseusn ,pid"niCS. ," other natural ,"r"ee ba,e reduce,' <br />.'<_' "r oualiW oJ' prodr"o. groW~l Hl Ih,~ state '" a~ extent <br />__. (,h the IngredIent utllI'I,atlon rcqUIJ'e11.1cnt <br />~_" vp.3:r unlesS tbe stB-te taX <br />,,,''Y\P.J'V n1.3Y <br /> <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />i. <br />\ <br />\ <br />, <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\. <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br />\ <br /> <br />L1l:'..lJ-""'- <br /> <br />'" . C' 1 ,,()01 elL 87 ~ 1.; to"') >, lOll.. h, <br />o01.1rce. ;J. j. '-' " , n' ~ 'j' <br />~ 2:, 2.00:1, c\1. 67, ~ 1.; 2003, d\. 5"'l,. ' <br />2,005, ell. 78, ~ 1. <br /> <br />\ <br /> <br />\ <br />\ <br /> <br />Efl'ectbre -nate. 1 t of thi.s \\ection by <br />'the 2,005 aroenl me~B S.l>. ').005 became <br />section 1. of. ehapt~05 '\.we\.\ant to an eme1'- <br />effecti:ve P>lln1.Z0, Z t' ' , Pz of ch2:pter 1\:\, S.L. <br />genc)' clause In sec 1011. <br /> <br />2(\()[. t of this ,;ection by <br />'TIle '200~~ a\I1.eni\.nle\~" S 1 ')(I\\i\ becan'" <br />'pctiun 1 01 c1u'lpter b', ' . >. ~ <br />"", . \ "".;t \. 'lON', " \' <br />el,ecll'iP 1 11b~' . '11t or t hi), -;1'1'\ \Olt 1.' <br />'1'\,," 2003 l1\\,el1l'\J'\l', ,- 1 ')1)\\3 Ilecanw <br />t. 011 1 of cJltll'ter 52.4, t';. ,. ~ <br />6<'C \ 200S <br />effective A\.\gl\S~ 1., ': ;1111' 1,2001. <br />This section IS efl'aectl' ~ of )'thiS ;ection \w <br />The '2001 ,nnen men <br /> <br />NoW. ' ' ' <br />'Section 5_01-11 wnS nrnender1 tw'O I,mes <br />,b "'03 ,"""",."" "",,,,,,ly. N"",n' <br />et. 1 0" 09 1. t'^e section i.s pTlntel1 aDI <br />sec'10n " ,,' ".11. . 1 <br />to 11arrnOl1i'Le and effect to tDe. (',1.€\11 <br />",an' in "",on 1 ,L """Ie< .61, S"',,," L <br />.003,11'"'' nm ,,03, ,nn ';""" 1 ,r '; <br />, . r,'" Session LaWS 200,), Senate 1)\\1 . <br />tel ,),,"l," ' ' 1 ' f <br />., t' "1\' \"1 ,\vn5 neate" nn, nn\' <br />t'eC ,,,1\ \)-,r ,,:' ',," <br />\ I' ,,"\\1' er1s\l\h,,:e Assell1b"', \ Ul <br />WIle ~". ' W b- ,,'" <br />I~ ~ectiO!l 1.02..09.1, tIle secl\on .'" P <br />al)~~e to 119,nl1.0n12e r:nd j,>1ve, ~ffe~\ <br />creation in section 1 of chaplet 87" . <br />alIa ~he arnenlll1\ent in seclion '2 of ch.' <br />S.L. 2001. <br />