2. MetroCOG workforce housing study
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2. MetroCOG workforce housing study
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<br />Estimates and Proiections of Growth in Population, Households, Owner/Renter and <br />Median Income 2000-2010 and 2005-20108 <br /> <br />From 2000 to 2010, the population in the MSA is projected to increase by 25,339. <br />The number of households is projected to grow by 15,631. The metro area will <br />receive most of the increase in population and households. The metro area <br />population is projected to grow by 21,295, capturing 84% of the MSA population <br />growth. The number of metro area households is projected to increase by 12,071, <br />capturing 77% of the household growth in the MSA. <br /> <br />Within the metro area's five submarkets since 2000, there has been a change in the <br />rate of growth of population and households from the previous decade of the <br />1990s. In the 1990s the fastest growing area was Fargo-South that nearly doubled <br />in population and households: population increased by 12,881 and households by <br />5,414. That is the largest increase of any other submarket. Fargo North had the <br />second largest increase of 4,682 people and an increase of 4,364 households. The <br />next fastest growing area was West Fargo whose population increased by 30% and <br />the number of households by 50% although the increase in numbers was smaller <br />(3,487 population increase and 2,172 household increase). Dilworth, while a small <br />city, experienced a 22% increase in population and 28% growth inhouseholds (585 <br />people and 275 additional households). Because of its small size, this growth had a <br />significant impact on the community. Moorhead's demographic change in the <br />1990s was unique. It's population remained relatively stable, but it experienced a <br />9% increase in households (1,024 additional households). <br /> <br />Overall growth of the five submarkets from 2000-2010 is projected to be less than <br />the 1990s. Projections indicate that Fargo North will experience the greatest <br />increase in the number of people and households (7,296 population increase and <br />5,190 additional households). Fargo South will continue to grow but in second <br />place, followed by West Fargo. Moorhead's rate of household growth is projected <br />to be higher in this 2000 decade (12.1 %) than during the 1990s (9.2%). In terms of <br />numbers that is~the population will grow by 2,721; the households by 1,473. <br />Dilworth is projected to increase by 297 people and 203 households. <br /> <br />From 2005 to 2010, based on projections provided by ESRI, Incorporated, The <br />Danter Company and Metro COG, total increase in households for the MSA is <br />projected to be 7,815. For the submarkets, the projected increase in number of <br />households from 2005 to 2010 is 6,099. <br /> <br />· See Appendix for Households in 2000, Estimates for 2005 and Projections for 2010 <br /> <br />8 <br /> <br />Linda S. Donnelly. .'\.I.C.I'. <br /> <br />;\ ugust 2006 <br />
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