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<br />Sep, 5, 2006 9:10AM <br /> <br />Cass County highway Dept. <br /> <br /><-'ASS COllNTY THCllW 1\ Y nEI' ARTMEN r <br />CONTRACT <br /> <br />No,3601 <br /> <br />p. 2/2 <br /> <br />This <lh1ft:'em~l1t made and entered into by Cas" COllnly, Nonh Vakot<1. potly of the first parl. and <br />Mllrris,}5e.ako;;tL & Tnn.:king, 46253, 208'1\ Sln:ct, }vlonis. MN 56267 plJrty of [he second P,Il'1 (hereimtlkr c<1l1ed Cont.ral~tOl), <br />WITNeSSETH: <br /> <br />I, That f~,r ,)ml in cOllsiderdliol1 ofltw payments II! be made by the partyoflhc lirst pal'!, the COl1trac,t\Jr promise.s a[ld agrees 1\) <br />iill'nish l:lnd neliYt"l' alllaboJ', equipme,llt, and materials, and to pay or cr~lL~e to be paid as the,y become clue, all claims for any work, labor, <br />lUull.:rials, e,quipmcnt, induding equipIrll':1lt renwl or rt:'pair, and olhcr supplies or insur<l!W\:: prl'minms, all of which ,Ire attributable to or <br />utili7.ed i.n and 11bot1l Ihe seal coal or SUl1nysidl.: Drive ill !io!nw.,,'s Third Subdivision, In accordance 1I11d in contormity with the <br />provisions of this contmct, the project pJ'oposa, the stanuard ~peci.fic<ltion, supplt:mL.'lltal spec,ificatinm;, aati spc:cial provisinns <111 01 <br />which are hen:by made a p:~rt nf this ,~greemell! ns fully and (0 Lhc same efft~cl a.~ if the Same had beeu sd forth i.ll lhe bndy \.If this <br />al:,'TG(\ll)enL References in the Smndard ~l)eciIit:'ations for l<.oad and Rridgc (.'onstrucrioJl, 2002 edition, [0 the Norlh Dakt)t.[l Department <br />ofTrausportaJiott Or lJcpartmeut must. he c\.lI1slruccl as l'e1'cn'ing to the oVv"ner, T ,ikewisl" a reference by the same works \(l t'ngineer (II <br />djret.:tor must bl' construed ,1s rcrerring to lhe owner 0f the project. <br /> <br />2. '1110 party of the first part agrees am! pmmises Lll pay to the Contractor for said work, w!l\.:n compkk,J and nGcepteJ In <br />accordance with the pwvisiol1s of Ihill t~nntract, lht:' price set IClrth ill thc lIaid proposal, amotll11ing approximaldy w <br />I-.kyen Tho1lsanclseveull,llndred and filly <:me, and 00/1 ()(l..{$l 1,751 ,()()), payml,nls to be made as provideA.1 in said spedlkations \11'011 <br />pl'eseutalinn of the proper cenificatcs of the County Fngilli::Cr, or his repn:scntatives, anu under the terms of this COli tract. <br /> <br />3. The said work shall be done in <lccol'u<lnee with the ll.:111111 ofthis contract, and the hlWS ofthe Stall: ofNorrh llakota, l.1lld~r <br />dU'ed supervisiOIl and to the entirc l\atisfaction o['the COUllty Highway Deparllllcnt, sllb.iel'l al all time,s to the inspectioll ,md approval 01' <br />the engineer. <br /> <br />4, The decision of the l'llgine~~,r UPOIl tjLlestions COJ:Ull~clcd with the exct:'ution of this agn;cmellt 01' any f.,il\ll'e or dclay in tht: <br />pmllcclltiQll l,fthe work by the Ccmtr<lC!O)" shall be tinal and conclusive. <br /> <br />5, In the employmeul ()1' faoor. otheJ' things beinp, equal, preference shall hc given (() h\lJ1orahly discharged Vetewns () r th(' <br />AJ11l<:c1 F\wces. and bOlla fide North Dakota residents, liS detcl1nined by NDCC Se.ctioIl43-07-20, <br /> <br />6. The ConLractor 1$h,l11 begin {:onsU'lIl~lion work when so ordered by the Cass Coullty Highway Dep,lrlmcnt ond shallmaintnin <br />al all times t!l<.:rt:'on a maximum and eftkienl working fo1'c\: llCCC:-ll$nry to complete the work wilhin the titnl' eslilhlished by lhis contJ'ad. <br /> <br />IN WITNESS TTTERliOP, the pm'lks [0 this COmnlcl have set their han<L~ nnd seal this :jill_day <br />of Sd,~mbel' 2000. <br /> <br />CASS COUNl Y NORTH DAKO!'t\ <br /> <br />., .. <br />Chairman, Calis COLllltyBo<ll'd orColllll1issioTlcrs <br /> <br />Contractor <br /> <br />WITNF.SS TO l'ONTRAClOR'S SIGNATURE <br /> <br />By <br /> <br />TilJ<.:_. <br /> <br />l-\Allllliu "f1}t\,J.:ntWllNolIlll C"ulllC\t\'UlIl\\I:Qll,l&.\,\ M11\\ill ~~'ltk'II;11 \'tlllTlil\l:i :-'i~~.xy,U{i.lh: <br />