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<br />cD <br /> <br />Application For Abatement And Settlement Of Taxes <br />North "Dakota Century Code 9 57-23-04 <br /> <br />"'"'~':"l <br /> <br />, State Of North Dakota <br /> <br />File with the County Auditor on or before November 1 of the year following:,the,year,in which the tax becomes deiinquent. <br />, .. , RECEIVED 'J " ?%{' ' <br />CASS CO AUDITOR ':: "C"'ITv 0 (' j5r/ ~/o #b <br />Assessment DIstrIct .' ." I r" , ' I <br />,2006. JUN 5 Prl 2 1 0 <br />7Y ,9 PJlbperty I.D. No. <br /> <br />G d,5S <br /> <br />11-0/(')0 <br />, <br /> <br />..-. /") "7 <br />, <br /> <br />(3 - <br /> <br />(jar; <br /> <br />County Of <br /> <br />RiO! \j t-n A.h ) ".-v? DIP Me.r r <br />. <br /> <br />-;20'-J /sr".Av<!:. F~sT, 15,,)(:ti C>/2...~, 68(1!1 ~0/e..6 <br /> <br />. "', \ .1_,'.., ,', ". . '. _, . ,1. ,"', <br />u Legal deSCriptio~ ~f theproperty i~;:oIved iu this application: '/J.'; f - 9 - J 0 --'-)) . i3 10 C ,1' ;'2..: . N~ ,..T!, or <br />/, hO,/S I 'I 1 , <br />)5v:f71. 6,M,o. 4w!fLj S" c7;;/I ~'1, .:<& OO() ..f~~ <br /> <br />! 'f0'1. (";6 <br /> <br />Name <br /> <br />Address <br /> <br />f?",,) yo;,.,) :JI-'.ec..-i\ <br /> <br />Total true and full value of the property described <br />above for the year ..2.d<"l.JjS: ~oo.O. <br /> <br />Land $ <br /> <br />Improvements $ <br /> <br />Total $ <br /> <br />TO!.1! true and full value of the property descrIbed <br />above for the year 2 DC) r should be: -4'0 d c. <br /> <br />o <br /> <br />Land $ ,",!n...", <br />Improvements $ d <br />Thtal $ ~oCJt\ <br /> (2) <br /> <br />$1 00 n <br />(1) <br /> <br />The difference of $ <br /> <br />,LIe" () <br /> <br />true and full value between (1) nnd (2) above is due to the following reason(s): <br /> <br />o <br />~ <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />o <br />o <br /> <br />1. Agricultural property true and full value exceeds its agricultural value defined in N.D.C.C. 9 57-02-27.2 <br />2. Residential or commercial property's true and full value exceeds the market VAlue <br />3. Error in property description, entering the description, or extending the tax <br />4. Nonexisting improvement assessed <br />5. Complainant or property 15 exempt from taxation (Attach a copy of Application. for _Property Tax Exemption) <br />6. Duplicate assessment <br />7. Property improvement was damaged by fire, nood or tornado (see N.D.C;C. ~ 57-23'-04(1)(g)) <br />8. Error in noting payment of taxes, ,taxes erroneously paid <br />9. Property qualifies for Homestead Credit according to N.D.C.C. ~ 57-02.08.1 (Attach a copy of Homestead CredIt ApplicatIon) <br />10. Other (Explain) /Ve r CUI,2-hlv ,-Po' 13",/)1-:" T:"'7prave """.7;:- It,..,.... <br />D:;::o:}1 c//--.C)I.--r"--('~ ,,-rlr~A rUnS -rJ..,I'-v...iT, ,W?T",..'r--?ph,/S7, l'1j'f?-" <br />F ",,,-!- t'l q 0 J- 1"12--,> q)~ ,,/,-c+-. <br />The following facts relath to the market value of the resid~ial or commercial property described above. For agricultural property, go directly to <br />question #5. X o,f: r-~-p.;f~(O() I <br /> <br />1. Purchase price of property: $ !_':<"t;'" o. ""- D~te of purchase: ~" ) '1 d, c (Tv ^' -<: '::;>'3, <br /> <br />'/<.1-,+' <br />,;::01---- <br /> <br />'Terms: Cash y <br /> <br />Contract <br /> <br />Trade <br /> <br />Other (explain) <br /> <br />I. Was there personal property involved in the purchase price? ;-Vel Estimated value: $ <br />yes/no <br /> <br />2. Has the property been offered for sale on the open market? #0" If yes, how long? <br />yes/no <br /> <br />Asking price: $ Terms of sale: <br /> <br />3. The property was independently appraised: /r' 0 Purpose of appraisal: <br />yes/no <br /> <br />Market value estimate: $ <br /> <br />Appraisal was made by whom? <br />';:-Thoapplkol1!'s estim~t,o of market value of.theproperty involved,in,thi, application is,$ 7 -F lo",J PI"" T~ clio 17 -.l-c-I.., en ?oj, e..__ <br />5. The esti"mated __agricultural productive :value ~f this property is excessive: because of the following conditiO~(s): V 2/1./ e V h l) h () (j/.I ~ .. <br /> <br />r"" <! ,P-.-.:r) r- e h--. '<' 1 n z, ,;:),..., ;0. T/? c I, me..., 10 ).. 0 IS <br />, " <br />~ "'-1_ <;'-.-0 'f''7 B\K IZ_ ~u.... ,..r/r"'~"'"",e ih~,-+;"r-f,,,.r, 2}7--/ v-=,II/~J <br /> <br />{'OJ.... -).,1--,2'1- p'~J>r,c::~ c-u'!-.,<2"'-' Ih~,;"<,j(/.SQ -I- 17< Lie- :U-. ,~(/ <br />1:. d',~er-~J"/('I, -rJ-~)C ~)1-~/tf'-n(f''lOOtr+:(J;-..s2.rl1q :Jf?~ .'~r:/?<:,,.,,,,/v bt-1SC".il/"i1..~,d~1::;S.,?g-~-d<!",,/eJ <br />By filing this application, I consent "to an inspection of the above-described property by an authorized assessment official for the purpose of making an lJy <br />appraisal of the property. I understand the official will give me reasonable notification of the inspection. See N.D.C:C. ~ 57-23-05.1. c;?'}Jf' <br />" , C".0M <br />1 declare under the penalties ofN.D.C.C. S 12.1-11-02, whIch provides for a Class A'misdemeanor for making a false statement in a governmental <br />matter, that this application is, to the bes~ of my knowledge and belief, a true and correct application; <br /> <br />.Ar- '.~Lst <br /> <br />Signatu~Plicant , . <br /> <br />The Applicant asks that <br /> <br />/),., I <, <br /> <br />r-! <br />(,=.5-0<:0 <br /> <br />Signature of Prep~rer (if other than applicant) <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />D?te <br /> <br />24ns <br />(Revisod 11-190S) <br />