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1 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Diversion Authority Board <br />FROM: John T. Shockley <br />DATE: April 15, 2020 <br />RE: Submission of WIFIA credit application to US EPA WIFIA program <br />In July 2019, the Metro Flood Diversion Authority (the “Authority”) submitted its Letter <br />of Intent (“LOI”) to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (“US EPA”) requesting <br />credit assistance in the form of a US EPA WIFIA loan. The Authority was selected to submit an <br />application for credit assistance of up to $561,000,000. <br />In a Resolution adopted on November 21, 2019, the Authority Board authorized Bond <br />Counsel to draft and prepare an application for credit assistance from the US EPA WIFIA program. <br />Bond Counsel has drafted and prepared the application. Attached to this memorandum, is a portion <br />of the WIFIA loan application for the Authority Board’s reference. Bond Counsel can provide the <br />Authority Board with a draft of the full WIFIA loan application if necessary. Submission of the <br />application is subject to the Authority Board’s approval. <br />Attachment 04