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<br />CASS COl''''TY IIIGIIWAY DEPART\IE:\T <br />COI\T1t.\CT <br /> <br />Thi~ Llt!l\.'Cmcnt madl: and enh:rcd <br />Tri-SlatL' S{rinin~. ':;05 11th Street West. WC'st <br />WITNESSETII: <br /> <br />mill hy <br />Fal"\.!o. ND <br /> <br />Cass Cl1unty. N\l["th D;ll,(lta. pany or the first pari, .\1\l\ <br />5~07~party of Ih(' :'('I.'<111J pan {hereinntie1" called COIJlr:H.'ltlrl. <br /> <br />I. "['hat f(lrand in consideration oflhe paYlIlt.:'nts If'! bt, made hy the pal1yofthe Jirst pan. the CllnlraChH" promi:-;.es and <lgrei..'S 1\\ <br />1l11'11ish and ddi\'er all labor. equipment. and materials. and tn payor cause hl bt:.~ paid as they bt.'come due. aU claims toranywnrk.labl1r. <br />llli.ltL'ri:lb, cquipnK'nt. including equipment rental or repair. and {)ther supplies or insurancL' premiums. all of which are <Htribuwolt..' It) or <br />utilized in and ahl\ut the improvement and construction ()fpf(~iect Nl1. CHOb06. In accordancl: and illl'Onfonnity with the provi~i()lls ()!" <br />this c\lntract and hnl1u. the project proposal. the standard speciticalion. supplemental ~pcl..'ilk[lli\lI1s. special provisions. and the limits or <br />tIll..' rH'()jl..'cl <IS shown in the plans approved by Cnss C\)unty\ Engineer. Man:h [5.2006. <I k'ngth of various miles, the originals Ill' <br />which an.' 1\11 Jill..' aI (he Cass County Highway Department. and all ol\vhich are hL'n:by made a pan oi"this agreement as Cully and tn the <br />Stunl..' L'l'1i....l't as if till' same had been set forth in the hlllly ()r{hi~ agreement. Rder\.."nccs in thl..." ,Stnndard Soccitications fiH' J{oadand <br />Bridl!C: Cllllslructioll. 2002 edition. to the North Dak\lti.l Depnrlmcntl)fTrallsponation or Dcpartment must be cnnst11Jcd as referring 11) <br />Ihl..' OWlll..'r. l.ih~\\'ise. a rt..."lf.:orcnce by the same works III cngincL'r or c.lircl'wr must he l.'l11lslruI..."d a:' ref cITing to the owner ()rtl\l..' pn1jl..."(t. <br /> <br />.., lhe party l)f the first pat1 agrees and pW1l1ist:s hI pay 10 the C\tl1tra(ln)' Ii)!' .";;;lid \\'(\)'k, \\'hcn cI1mplcted and :lI..:t."l..'J1tl..'d in <br />aCl'ordalltc with tht.' provi~ion~ of this contract. the pril:e sel forth in tilt.: said propl'saL amounting approxinl<.llcly III <br />One Hundred Finl..'cn TI10usand Three Hundred Nint.'tv-l(lurund 43/100 1$ 115.J()4.43~1. payments 10 be made as provided ill s,lid <br />s\1l..'t.:ilicatit'l1s upon presentation of the proper certificates pl"the County Engineer, or his rt:pn:scntatives, and under (he tL'rlllS t1(lhis <br />\."(llltr.H..t. <br /> <br />.', l'I\l..' s:lid wllrk shall he done in accordance with the tcnns of this contract. and thL' laws oflhe StalL' {lfNorth Dakllla. lImh..'r <br />din:ct slIp.....I'\"ision :1nd 10 lhe ~ntir~ sati:-;faction ofthl' ('{llllllY Highway Department subje..:t at all times 10 lhe inspection i.lnd appl\I\.al ill' <br />till' ~Ilgillct..'r. <br /> <br />4, lltl..' decision cd' the engineer upon questilH1S l..:l)ll1lC<.:lCd with llh: exe~1I1i\l1l nfthi:-. agreclllt.'nt or :IIlY lailure or dday in the <br />proSI.'t.:lIti(\Ill'!" the \\,()rk by the Contractor shall he linal <lnd conclusive. <br /> <br />5, In Ihl' employment aflabar. other things heing: equal. prcterenl..."C' shall be gi\'(;.'J1 tn honorahly discharged Vctl..."rans l)l'lhl..' <br />t\nllL:J h)rt."cs. and hona tide North Dakota resident:..;, as detcl111incd by NDCC Sl.'l..."tioll 4;-07 -20, <br /> <br />6. lhe t'olllITlcwr shall hegin constl11C(iOIl \\\Irk whcn so ordcr12tl hy tht.' Cas~ C(IUIlI)' Ilighway Depanll1~nt and shnlllllainwin <br />i1t alllilllt:s thL'I't.'l)!l u ma'\imum und efficient \Hwking l"on.:L' nl.'l..."l.~ssary to complete thl' \\'ork within the time estahlishcd by this I..."llntract. <br /> <br />.. (N WITNESS THEREOF. (he parties to this contract h<1\'I.' sCIlheir hands <'111(.1 si..'~J1lhi" <br />"I' 1:."1' \ ~OOo <br />__1~+-,___ <br />, <br /> <br />\1';' <br /> <br />day <br /> <br />CAS* COUNTY NORTH DAKOT.'\ <br /> <br />IL ~ <br />-~ lMf\ A/V1^~CL <br />Ulll11mll. Cass t ~)lmty Bilard of C.0I11111lS:-'lOnen: <br /> <br />II'ITNI'SS TO CONTRACTOR'S SIGNATURL <br /> <br />COIlllilL",,7r.,.-':; tate..'itrt/JLOj- k <br /> <br />_f!.,J-{J!.u-.-, a, t;.)udl-uA'1 <br /> <br />By__~/ <br />,/ <br /> <br />'-, <br /> <br />--- <br /> <br />.-'- <br /> <br />~. , <br />litlo,_},'e.?Jde'l r <br /> <br />J: ,,]l\lI'.t."li'l'I\I)1t t-I' "t Rlrl"fi:Il,;p''''1 RtI'l\"(i ((\~rR-\\'1 (.IlUIIIlI\:,IHIi'ISG,IHlt <br />