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<br />'ii. <br /> <br />':iii, <br /> <br /> <br />CHAPTER FOUR: STRATEGIES AND PROCESS <br /> <br />4.1 PROJECT SELECTION STRATEGY <br /> <br />The project selection strategy recommends that a principal bike route network be identified from the <br />existing and future bike and pedestrian network. The inlcnt is to channel the limited bike improvement <br />funds to a greater network serving the entire metropolitan area instead of serving a particular area which <br />might not benefit the community as a whole and, by giving higher priority to those projects which are a part <br />of the principal bike network or linked to the principal bike network. <br /> <br />4.2 PROJECT SELECTION PROCESS <br /> <br />The project selection involved the following process: <br /> <br />~ The short tenn and long term projects in the 2000 Metropolitan Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan were <br />reviewed for consideration for the new project list <br /> <br />,~ The Projects which were implemented were excluded from the list. This new list \\-'as prepared <br />considering the consistency review plan completed in 2004 <br /> <br />~ This list was then comparcd to the bicycle and pedestrian projects listed in the 2004 Metropolitan <br />Transportation Plan (MTP), The projects not listed in the consistency review but listed in the MTP <br />were included to the new list. <br /> <br />.", Other potential projects were identified by the COG staff in coordination with the local planning <br />and engineering offices. These potential projects were based on the furure land use plans! <br />jurisdictional growth plans and public input received at the public involvement process. <br /> <br />'.~ The recommended projects were then reviewed by the Metro Trails Committee and the financial <br />strategies for implementation developed. According to federal transportation mles, Metropolitan <br />Planning Organizations are required to identify existing and projected revenue sources for projects <br />included in their metropolitan plans. <br /> <br />~ The local governments were then requested to constraint their short range projects by providing <br />their anticipated revenue sources which would reasonably be expected for implementing their list <br />of short range projects. ProjecL" without identified revenue sources were recommended for the <br />plan's long range clement. <br /> <br />.~ The projects were also evaluated based on the four screening factors. Projects which met all four <br />screening factors were eligible for short tenn while those that didn't meet less than half or none of <br />the screening factors were listed as long tenn projects. <br /> <br />~ Finally both the short range and long range projects were prioritized based on its being a part of <br />the identitied Principle Bike Network. <br /> <br />4.21 PRINCIPAL BIKE ROUTE NETWORK: <br /> <br />Based on a set of rankings established (described in Section 4.6) for the existing and future bicycle and <br />pedestrian network, a principal metropolitan bicycle and pedestrian network was identified by COG staff as <br />illustrated in Map 4.1. <br /> <br />The main elements of the principal bikeway system are designed as: <br /> <br />mt The spacing between the principal bikeways shall not be more than 2 miles <br /> <br />" '. -'" ';' ,:'" _ ';' :';,' ':'-;:' '-"""',' """', '"':",_ ,":: "F <br />FM METROPOLITAN BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN PLAN 2005 <br /> <br />w, . Fargo~Moorhcad Mctropolitah~ounc,i1of Gov~rnm~~ts <br />. ... .. ".' -]J- ',':' .. <br /> <br /> <br />.!' <br /> <br />.':' <br />