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<br />B~ <br /> <br />Risk Management Appendix <br /> <br />Routine' Service Agreements With Sovereign Entities and Political Subdivisions of the State of North Dakota: <br />Parties: State - State of North Dakota. its agencies. officers and employees <br />Governmental Entity - The Governmental Entity executing the attached document, Its agencies, officers <br />and employees <br />Governments - State and Government Entity. as defined above <br /> <br />Each party agrees to assume its own liability for any and all claims of any nature including all costs, expenses and <br />attorney's fees which may in any manner result from or arise out of this agreement. <br /> <br />Eachparty shall secure and keep in force during the term of this agreement. from insurance companies, government <br />self-Insurance pools or government self-retention funds, authorized to do business In North Dakota, the fOllowing <br />insurance coverages covering the Governments for any and all claims of any nature which may in any manner arise <br />out of or result from this agreement: <br /> <br />1) Commercial general liability and automobile liability insurance - minimum limits of liability required of the <br />Governmental Entityare $250,000 per person and $500,000 per occurrence. The minimum limits of liability <br />required of the State are $250,000 per person and $1,000,000 per occurrence. <br />2) Workers compensation insurance meeting all statutory limits. <br />3) The policies and endorsements may not be canceled or modified without thirty (30) days prior written notice to <br />the unde.rsigned State representative. <br /> <br />The State reserves the right to obtain complete, certified copies of all required insurance documents, <br />policies, or endorsements at any time. <br /> <br />Each party that hires subcontractors shall require any non-public subcontractors, prior to commencement of work set <br />out under an agreement between that party <br />and the non-public subcontractor, to: <br /> <br />Indemnify. save. and hold harmless the Governments from claims resulting .from the performance of the <br />subcontractor or its agent. including costs. expenses, and attorney's fees which may in any manner arise out of <br />or result from acts or omissions in awarding this grant or performing work or activities under the contract. <br /> <br />Subcontractor shall secure and keep in force during the term of this agreement. from insurance companies, <br />government self-insurance pools or government self-retention funds authorized to do business in North Dakota: <br />1) commercial general liability; 2) automobile liability; and 3) workers compensation insurance all covering the <br />Subcontractor for any and all claims of any nature which may in any manner arise out of or result Iromthis <br />agreement. The minimum limits of liability required are $250,000 per person and $1.000,000 per occurrence lor <br />commercial general liability and automobile liability coverages, and statutory limits for workers compensation. <br />The Governments shall be endorsed on the commercial general liability policy and automobile. liability policy as <br />additional insureds. Said endorsement shall contain a 'Waiver of Subrogation" waiving any right of recovery the <br />insurance company may have against the Governments. as well as provisions that the policy and/or <br />endorsement may hot be canceled or modified without thirty (30) days prior written notice to the undersigned <br />representatives 01 the Governments, and that any attorney who represents the State under this policy mustllrst <br />qualify as and be appointed by the North Dakota Attorney General as a Special Assistant Attorney General as <br />required under N.D.C.C. Section 54,12-08. Subcontractor's insurance coverage shall be primary (Le.. pay first) <br />as respects any insurance. self-insurance or self-retention maintained by the Governments. Any insurance, .self- <br />insurance or sell.retention maintained by the Governments shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and <br />the Subcontractor's insurance and shall not contribute with them. Any deductible amount or .other obligations <br />under the Subcontractor's policy(ies) shall be the soieresponsibility 01 the Subcontractor. This insurance may <br />be in policy or policies of insurance, primary and excess. including the so-called umbrella or catastrophe lorm <br />and be placed with insurers rated "A." or better by A.M. Best Company. Inc. The Governments.will be <br />indemnified, saved. and held harmless to the full extent of any coverage actually seCured by the Subcontractor <br />in excess of the minimum requirements set forth above. The Government Entity that hired the Subcontractor <br />shall be heid responsible lor ensuring compliance with the above requirements by all Subcontractors. The <br />Governments reserve the right to obtain complete. certified copies 01 all required insurance documents. policies. <br />or endorsements at any time. <br /> <br />'See North Dakota Risk Management Manual, section 5.1 lor discussion of "unique" and "routine" agreements. <br />. RM Consulted 1997 <br />Revised 3-06 <br />