3. Social Services-Guardian and Protective Serv funding
County Commission
Regular Agenda
3. Social Services-Guardian and Protective Serv funding
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<br />o ~ '. <br /> <br />Turnover of staff was, reportedly surprisingly low. The predominant weakness of <br />programs was the lack of funding. The most consistent opportunity for public guardian <br />programs appeared to be education of the public, which usually took a back seat to <br />providing guardianship services. Websites giving information about the programs were, <br />as a rule, underdeveloped. Another opportunity for some programs, used exceptionally <br />effectively in Cook County, Illinois. was the use of lawsuits to provide needed services <br />for clients. <br /> <br />Not surprisingly, and, regrettably, similar to the 1981 study was the assertion, by <br />nearly every program in every state of a critical lack of funding, which translated into <br />circumscribed services for wards and inadequate staffing to meet ward needs. This is <br />more significant now than in the past, as the demographic imperative portends more and <br />more individuals needing guardianship services. <br /> <br />Case Studies of States with In-Depth Interviews <br /> <br />The study included in-depth interviews with key contacts in four states - Indiana, <br />Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin. The resulting case profiles show the diversity of state <br />programs and the significant gaps remaining. <br /> <br />Indiana. The state's 16-year-old public guardianship program is coordinated by <br />the state unit on aging with regional programs through area agencies on aging and mental <br />health associations. The program is state funded. Some of the regional programs use <br />Medicaid funding to pay for guardianship services. The program served approximately <br />289 individuals in FY 2004. The local programs petition for guardianship. A rough <br />estimate of time spent on each case is five hours. Case loads per individual guardian <br />ranged from 25-44 wards, Wards are visited at least monthly, but for wards in nursing <br />homes, every 90 days. While a statewide needs assessment is underway, the unmet need <br />is perceived as substantial, and the funding limited. The programs are at "maximum <br />capacity" at current case loads, and the program does not serve as guardian of last resort <br />with unlimited intake. <br /> <br />Iowa. Currently public guardianship needs in Iowa are met in piecemeal fashion <br />and in many areas not at all. State legislation creating a system of volunteer guardianship <br />programs was enacted but not funded, and currently only one county has such a program. <br />An additional county operates an independent staff-based program that provides <br />guardianship, conservatorship, and representative payee services. Also, under a state law, <br />seven counties have established substitute medical decision-making boards of last resort <br />for individuals without the capacity to give informed consent, if there is no one else to do <br />so, This leaves much of the state without public guardianship. Practitioners and advocates <br />are acutely aware of the' gap and are assessing unmet need and developing legislative <br />proposals to create a'statewide public guardianship program. <br /> <br />Missouri. Missouri law provides for an elected county public administrator to <br />serve as guardian of last resort in each of the state's 115 jurisdictions. There is wide <br />variability throughout the state in: the background and experience of the public <br /> <br />5 <br />
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