Laserfiche WebLink
<br /> <br />, ,:::,,:::;:~;: ,: :;ii: " ",,,', _ ":,, ,,, ~ ~ :L:! 1:';:i, :'" :;,;,~ <br />'",<> , ,;,,, I$~)\.sE;'~~F,'PROPE:R:r~ ',,'ii/: ;:,;':': -,""FI-,':', ;;'~" , <br />'_",,,", '_,' ,_ o'_'~-"', ,,'" __ _<'i',:!"><,~H"""":-,':;">:"j,,,, ','" ','j, ';,-<;;:,;1;,;'_"', :-',,'j''-'',:;':',,-- - " __,., <br />'::r;HI~I:EASEip ~??e bX~d,b;,?,~efp,,~~~s.wounty? North'I?akot~(l;1erema4~,r "CountY') i:nd <br />" ,CalvmFercho;,Wll~a111 Ferc,ho~:!f~c1~~,q~1F:erc~0,2525E,ast, .ClubDnve,Far~9l\lorth <br />"'Dakota 58103 Qlerema'fter,"Lessee'}: :,"< , f <br />.' THE pAR:TffiS'HEREBY cqV' "'\~ND AGREE AS EO <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />2: <br /> <br />"" <br /> <br />Property: The.CountY: he~eby o,ffers toJease, ari!fthe, Less ,e. ~es ,to lease, ,pie property <br />">'::, _",":" , ,"'-",S"" ,<<.I:w-:,~-,-",;L"!:' ~), , <-'''" " ,':"-, ,,' ,,')~/-<V/'I>+';: "!':':'" !--"'!I-, "_--,_:, "" ,,'_,^- <br />.situated' in the: TownsJ:ip 'of,:l':!",o~I,?;:C(lUnty of Cass;!S!aW,of:J\jorthDilkqta, 'de.scri~edas: <br />, 23-143-49 Described,l'iact:Si'496:92'iOf Auditor~s Lot.'liOfNW 1/46fNW 1/4, also Ialown <br />asTract B. sai~tract:~o:4~~~:79Acres ~on;o~Ieis,'~,;i;~~~afte~ "property"):' '. .' <br /> <br />Term: The term o(this'l~a~~sh;Ut commence on Janullry.i':2Q06 an:d expire at,midnight on <br />Beceri11Jer 31 2006.' . . . ' <br />,- , '~ '-. ,,, " ~ <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />, , ""," ,-. ,,'- <br />'~~~:~:",,'" 'II __, ,,,_, ",' :_'''::' ,,^,,:;:':;::-,::;}' __", '", _, ,n'4;::, ,"4:\_:", - ,_-:::>::,;:,{" <br />~'::o,Delivervof.Possession:)":essee' ackno'\\lkdgesth?t Le~see. a,smspected the pr()perty iIDd <br />. .' .':acceptsit assUita~refqt..tli~!plrrp6s:e ~duse descri,b(il'd in: W'sI:l~ase'and that.the ~roperty <br />, ,::ihimcomplies:.with:lli~,use'limitabons. " . <br />';':".< C':;-;"), ,V" '", " , !;::' <br />: '.,. , 6: :....fusurance: Atalltim~s un ! .termoHhisLease Les~e~'s <br />"'IJ, . .: .... Ii' ,eJCP~~se,public.liabiiity;lilld ~!OP~rty 'dan;~ge liabW~,il1S,ui~ ri~amolintnotie;~iliiW <br />'i,:,$500,000.Lesse.e' shall:ge]jy,ertpfbuntya copy of tlie.c~,\'li~.!! ..i ...}l}surance priortothe~ . <br />,.1 .c,olp111~ceq-t~nt,.]jJe, oft~is'L:~a~~.'~o\q1ty ~ilkesno'Tepreserita,tioI1: <br />.. .thatthe!irriit~ ofliabilityspecified'liereiri,are adequate t "J"essee:, ' <br />, ~ '!;;' \i::', >; -;::;,::;i;;:"''J>;;::;>'' " ',' ,,' 1 <br />.' ;:-;:-;I<i!:"; '<<" ' <br />Indemnification: ,ComitY' shall'not;be liable for any damage, eSSe(l, or any other person, or." . <br />to'any property: ocqUrriIig:OAtli(l preffiis(lsor any. part:thereo'f, :unie~S~lichdamage,i~ th(l ,. i' <br />proldmateiJ'esuit.of 'thehe~;gehci:i 'of'anillhJaWful 'act' of,ilie'Coill!ty.. Lessee agrees'to hold: ' <br />theColllitY hairriless fi:om:~y, Clahns'for. d;u'na~es:'oq'clirrihgoh'tlieproperty,no matter how <br />cau;ed,'except'forinjury daliriJ es'for wliich~COUh;'..jS' Ie" al1y'iesponsibiei . <br />, " , "~,,, , ,': i,c ~ ','-' : <br /> <br />)", ,,'-,', <br />,:<!i!i!\ j <'" \Y" <br />Rehf:.Rent shall,be $10 doJ)'ars'per year, paxable mad " , <br />theC6unty. byiindfuio1igirt~eGass County Auditor/ <br />herein,entitledNoti'ces,.:i '" . . <br />'" " "," """"',, - )" " " ":,,,<:I,';~ <br />, ,',,. n ,,' ;::}l!;il~>;i!,L ," " '" ,"u' ,": ~,'),::c,,''- <br />Use: The ,property shall oll1y:6eusedfor purposes con,sist~nwitlithose contained' in EXl1ibit' <br />1 (attached), FW:tll~fif1,6~~;~~~, R~op'ertyshajlhobbe::~~g;fdalUO~~$other PUFPOS~si:pafi{ing .' <br />vehiCles; building any,ldrid;of;structure without,prior;Wri apprgyilloftheCoullty; storage,.' . <br />of any kihd of e'quipm~nt:6r;p~rsona1;property; placem'e:S;signs;raising orkeepiIig.6f.'; <br />_',_',"';::,', ,"',:,-'''::"',^'',,,,':+~'':_-','o:,:-'-,>', ':' .", ", --""~::':"'''': "h:--: ~':--':,:;:-'''':,;'':''',,- '-': ~,_.__,-" <br />animals; or disposal:'ofariy kiridofmatenals, whether'lil!z 'sor'noi. The'determination .. <br />6fc6mpliance'wiih:'iIi,?~e.l!lPii~tions,onuseoftheprope ""'IH:i.e. at the County's, sole <br />di.scretion,... . ' . ' <br /> <br />',; <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />. the commencement day, to <br />~~'s g, iveJ,1:in: thesecti~n <br />., . . ,;,,- <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />7. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />'C','''< <br /> <br /> <br />