County Commission
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Commission Minutes--September 19, 2003 2655 <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT HEADS-PLEASE POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE FOR STAFF TO READ <br /> <br />SPECIAL MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />MEETING IN BUDGET SESSION <br /> SEPTEMBER 19, 2003 <br /> <br />MEETING TO ORDER <br />Chairman Scoff Wagner called the budget meeting to order at 8:00 AM on September 19, <br />2003, in the Commission Room, Cass County Courthouse, with all members present as <br />follows: Robyn Sorum, John Meyer, Vern Bennett, Darrell Vanyo and Scott Wagner. Also <br />present were County Auditor Michael Montplaisir, County Coordinator Bonnie Johnson, <br />Accountants Deb Ness and Mary Matheson, several department heads and employees. <br /> <br />BUDGET REVIEW FOR 2004, Additional reductions made <br />Mr. Montplaisir summarized the budget changes made to date and provided a hand-out <br />with various budget items suggested by individual commissioners for further review and <br />discussion. According to an earlier goal set by commissioners, Mr. Montplaisir suggested <br />an additional reduction of about $240,000. He also provided information on pay grade <br />steps and a history of the number of positions in each county department since 1996. <br /> <br />Jail <br />Glenn Ellingsberg, Jail Administrator, provided a memorandum prioritizing all new staff <br />positions and other items requested in the 2004 jail budget. MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Meyer moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to remove two of the <br /> four requested relief deputies from the jail budget. On roll call vote, <br /> the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Concerning the request for an A12 Commissary Clerk, Sheriff Don Rudnick said the <br />commissary fund brings in money and this position can be paid from the proceeds. Also, <br />he is trying to eliminate the non-jail duties of the line staff by assigning those to clerical <br />positions. The board discussed terminating the security contract with an outside agency <br />because the inner facility is secure and the inmate visitation hours can be handled by a <br />clerk, as is done in the evenings, for a savings of $9,400. MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Meyer moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to transfer $32,600 for a <br /> new commissary clerk, whose salary and benefits will be paid from <br /> revenues, and assign the jail security duties to an A12 clerical position <br /> instead of a private security company, for an additional reduction of <br /> $9,400. On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />The budget includes additional part-time nursing staff, and Sheriff Rudnick would suggest <br />requiring that all medications be dispensed by nurses rather than jail staff. The board talked <br />about changing the nurses' hours so they are available to dispense all medications within <br />the jail. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Sorum moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to eliminate one new <br /> registered nurse (RN) position, from the two requested, and review <br /> the contract further to see if a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) <br /> could fill the position instead of an RN. On roll call vote, the motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br />
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