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INDEMNITY BOND ON LOST INSTRUMENT <br /> <br /> Whereas,. ............i.[ ..~..e~.~-~ ...................................................................hereinafter designated as claimant, <br /> claims to be the owner--and entitled to the payment of a certain ......... U.~521~n~....~...[~zg~_.O...~.,~. ................................ <br />dated ........ ........................... due ......... ...................................... <br /> .............................. .................. .................................................................................... <br />payable <br /> to <br /> re;if he sum of......?..'~'..~.O..).-..~._..~..~.~..~ ........... -/---~------:~ .......................................... ~rs, <br /> <br /> but is unable to produce or surrender said instrument upon such payment on account of its loss, destruction, or <br />otherwise. <br /> <br /> NOW, TttEREFORE, If ........................ .~-~t...~..~ ................................................................... hereinafter <br />designated as obllgee, will pay or cause to be pa'Jd~to said claimant, or order, the amount demanded by him by virtue <br />thereof, we, the undersigned, do jointly and severally promise, undertake and agree to and with said obllgee, his or <br />its snccessors, heirs, administrators and assigns, that we will save said obllgee, his or its successors, heirs, administra- <br />tors and assigns, harmless from any and all claims of any person or persons in and to said instrument, or to the pay- <br />ment thereol, in whole or in part, and from any and all damages, remote or proximate sustained by virtue of said <br />payment, including all attorney's fees, costs, expenses, charges, or liabl it es assmned, incurred or expended, and will <br />at any time upon demand pay or cause to be paid to said obligee, in addition thereto, the amount so paid to said <br />claimant by said obligee with accrned interest thereon from the date of such payment at the rate of ........... per cent <br />per annum and undertake and perfor~n any and all steps, actions or proceedings which said obllgee may deem necessary <br />or reqnisite to save said obligee harmless from further liability, cost, expense or damage in t.~remises. <br /> Dated this .......................................................... day of ....................... "----7 ............ ~- ........(- ....... <br /> · . . <br /> S~gned and Dehvered m the Presence of ......................................... (SEAL) <br /> <br />.......................................................................................................................................................................................... (SEAL) <br /> <br />.......................................................................................................................................................................................... (SEAL) <br /> <br />personally appeared ........... ~.-.~ _....~/~.._~.,~ .............................. iii.iiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ....................... ii .......................... <br /> <br />known to me to be the persons who are described in and who executed the within instrument, and, who, each for <br />himself, personally acknowledged to me that they executed the s~., r~/~//? ' \~ /] <br /> <br />My commission expires ......... [~l_~.~m~l,~t~.~jE_y_,~ g,~: '] .................................................................~ ..................... ~ <br /> <br /> STATE OF NORTIt DAKOTA <br /> <br />County of .................................................. <br /> <br />and ........................................................................................................ being first duly sworn, upon oath, each for himself <br />doth saT: The he is one of the sureties on, and who executed the within and foregoing bond. That he is a freeholder of <br />the State of North Dakota and a resident of the said County of. ............................................................... , North Dakota. <br />That he is worth the sum of. ........................................................................................................................................... Dollars <br />in properts; within this state over and above all his debts and liabilities and exclusive of all his property exempt by <br />the laws of this State from levy and sale on execution or attachment. <br /> <br /> Subscribed and sworn to before me this ...................... <br /> <br />day of ................................................... <br /> <br />My commission expires ..................................................... <br /> <br /> <br />