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<br />Commission Minutes-March 6, 2006 3041 <br /> <br />Concerning the daily rate for the juvenile detention center, Mr. Ellin9sberg said the current <br />rate is $120 per day and he recommends increasing that amount to $155 per day. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said he is aware of some new services being facilitated through the National <br />Association of Counties at the legislative conference he is attending in Washington, D.C. <br />this week. He will bring back information when he returns. On inmate costs, he inquired <br />about medical insurance, and Mr. Ellingsberg said a medical facility would first seek <br />reimbursement from the individual's health insurance carrier, if they have insurance. <br /> <br />Mr. Vanyo asked what the biggest reason is for the size of the recommended increase in the <br />juvenile daily rate. Mr. Ellingsberg said the rate has not been changed for the past 5-7 <br />years, and the increase would more accurately reflect actual costs. <br /> <br />Mr. Bennett asked if the jail daily rates could be a different amount for jurisdictions other <br />than the federal government, since it does not allow certain reimbursement. Mr. Ellingsberg <br />said that is allowable and he may need to implement such a fee structure in the future. He <br />will review the costs again in 2007, and Mr. Bennett asked him to report back to the board. <br /> <br />If the commission agrees with a juvenile detention rate increase, Mr. Ellingsberg suggested <br />a motion to that effect. He said no motion is needed on the jail daily rate at this time. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Vanyo moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve an increase in <br />the juvenile detention rate to $155 per day for 2007. On roll call vote, the <br />motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />11. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, Grant application and interlocal aQreement with FarQo <br />Mr. Ellingsberg requested the addition of an agenda item to submit an electronic application <br />for the 2006 Edward Byrne Justice Assistant Grant funds in the amount of $70,259, which <br />will be shared with the City of Fargo. He said the money will be used to help fund positions <br />and expenses of the Cass County drug task force and equipment for the Fargo Police <br />Department. He also requested approval of an interlocal agreement with the City of Fargo <br />in relation to the grant funds. <br />MOTION, passed <br />Mr. Pawluk moved and Mrs. Sorum seconded to approve the electronic <br />application for the 2006 Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance <br />Grant on behalf of Cass County submitted by Glenn Ellingsberg, <br />Sheriff's Office, and authorize Mr. Ellingsberg to file subsequent <br />electronic filings which may be required during the grant period; and, <br />further, to approve the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Fargo for <br />the sharing of these funds. On roll call vote, the motion carried <br />unanimously. <br /> <br />12. CASS COUNTY YOUTH COMMISSION, Authorize chairman to siQn event contract <br />Terry Schmaltz and Kathy Ziegelmann were present, as well as Devany Schulz, Chairman <br />of the Cass County Youth Commission, to request board approval of a contract with Bitzer <br />Agency for an event to promote alternatives to teen drinking. The event, which is scheduled <br />for May 12, 2006, at the Red River Valley Fairgrounds, is being planned by the Youth <br />Commission and will include live entertainment by a band called Holiday. Donations from <br />area sponsors will be used to pay for the event. <br />