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Commission Minutes--December 16, 1996 1556 <br /> <br />DEPARTMENT HEADS--PLEASE POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE FOR STAFF TO READ <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> DECEMBER 16, 1996 <br /> <br />MEETING TO ORDER <br />Chairman Sharon "Pepper" Toussaint called the meeting to order at 3:30 PM with four members <br />present as follows: Alon Wieland, Donna Schneider, Bernie Ness and Sharon "Pepper" <br />Toussaint. Don Eckert was absent due to inclement weather. <br /> <br />COUNTY COMMISSION, Years of service recognition to three outgoing Commissionem <br />Sharon "Pepper" Toussaint was recognized for her eight years of public service on the Cass <br />County Board of Commissioners and Bernie M. Ness was recognized for four years of service. <br />Don Eckert served 16 years on the Board. Each was given a plaque to commemorate their <br />tenure. <br /> <br />MINUTES APPROVED, Letter from State's Attorney MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded to approve the <br /> minutes of the previous meeting as amended by deleting the last two <br /> sentences of the fourth paragraph under the State's Attorney, <br /> Response to Investigations. The deleted references concern a note left <br /> on a vehicle and a follow-up Sheriff's investigation. Motion carried <br /> unanimously. <br /> <br />MOTION, passed <br />Based on facts not known at the time, that are now known, and in light <br />of subsequent facts confirmed by the Cass County Sheriff's <br />Department, Mr. Wieland moved and Mrs. Schneider seconded that the <br />Board of County Commissioners hereby accepts the report delivered <br />by Attorney Jim Strommen with the deletion of the second Hyer letter <br />and the attached note. Motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />AGENDA, Order approved MOTION, passed <br /> Mrs. Schneider moved and Mr. Ness seconded to approve the order of <br /> the agenda with the following changes to the consent agenda: 1) <br /> additional contract for boarding prisoners in the Cass County Jail and <br /> detention of juveniles--Steele County; and 2) assessment notice to <br /> property owner--Red River Reformed Church and Classis of Dakota. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> <br />ROAD DEPARTMENT EMPLOYEE, Commendation/retirement of Arlene Klu_~ <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Ness moved and Mr. Wieland seconded to send letter of <br /> congratulations to AHene Klug upon her retirement after approximately <br /> <br /> <br />