k. Contract approval
County Commission
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k. Contract approval
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<br />provide Fargo Cass with not less than 30 days' written notice in advance of any <br />cancellation, termination, changes or amendment restricting coverage. <br /> <br />(c) Consultant's Equipment Insurance: <br /> <br />All risk equipment insurance covering any equipment used by the Company for <br />the performance of the Services, shall be in a form acceptable to Fargo Cass and <br />shall not allow subrogation claims by the insurer against Fargo or Casso The <br />Certificate of Insurance shall provide Fargo Cass with not less than 30 days' <br />written notice in advance of cancellation, change or amendments restricting <br />coverage. <br /> <br />( d) Worker Compensation/Employers Liability and Occupational Disease Insurance: <br /> <br />U.S. Worker Compensation/Employers Liability and Occupational Disease <br />Insurance with limits of not less than U.S. one million dollars (US $1,000,000) <br />each accident/each employee. Such policy shall include a waiver of subrogation <br />in favor of Fargo Casso <br /> <br />(e) Pollution Incident Liability Insurance: <br /> <br />Pollution liability insurance with limits of not less than $2,000,000.00 per claim <br />and aggregate. Cass and Fargo shall be named as additional insureds. The <br />Certificate of Insurance shall provide Fargo Cass with not less than 30 days notice <br />in advance of cancellation, termination, or reduction oflimit by endorsement. <br /> <br />7.2 Payment of Premiums <br /> <br />The Company shall pay all premiums and costs of all insurance required to be effected by the <br />Company under this Agreement and shall provide Fargo Cass with proof of insurance prior to <br />commencement of the Services, evidence of subsequent renewals and shall promptly when <br />requested to do so provide Fargo Cass with a certified true copy of each insurance policy and <br />such other documents sufficient to show and establish at all times the current provisions and <br />status of policies in force. <br /> <br />7.3 Failure to Provide <br /> <br />If the Company fails to provide or maintain insurance as required in this Agreement, then Fargo <br />Cass shall have the right to provide and maintain such insurance and give evidence thereof to the <br />Company, or to terminate the Agreement under Section 6.2. The cost thereof shall be payable by <br />the Company or Fargo Cass on demand or Fargo Cass may deduct the costs thereof from any <br />monies which are due or may become due to the Company. <br /> <br />7.4 Liability Limitations <br /> <br />Any insurance coverage acquired hereunder shall in no manner restrict or limit the liabilities <br />assumed by the Contractor under this Agreement, provided, however that the Company and <br />Fargo Cass acknowledge and agree that the aggregate monetary limits of the insurance required <br /> <br />v3 <br /> <br />-11- <br />
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