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<br />COUNTY DEED <br /> <br />This indenture made on December 19, 2005, between the County of Cass, North <br />Dakota, party of the first part, and the City of West Fargo, 800 4th Avenue East, West Fargo, <br />North Dakota, 58078, party of the second part, witnesseth: <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the real property hereinafter described was acquired by the County <br />through tax deed proceedings for the nonpayment of taxes levied and extended against the <br />property for the years of 2000 to 2004 inclusive, with interest and penalties, amounting to the <br />sum of Forty-five thousand three hundred sixty-six and 08/100 ($45,366.08); and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the real property was offered for sale, and sold, pursuant to authority of <br />law, on December 19, 2005, and at the sale, the second party became the purchaser of the <br />whole thereof, for the sum of One and no/100 dollars ($1.00), which has been paid in full; <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, Cass County as party of the first part, in consideration of the <br />premises, and pursuant to authority of law, hereby does grant, bargain, sell, and convey to <br />the second party, the second party's heirs and assigns, that certain real property situated in <br />the County of Cass, North Dakota, described as follows: <br /> <br />Commencing at the point of intersection of the East line of the West Half Centerline of said <br />Section Five (5) with a line drawn parallel with and distant One Hundred (100.00) Feet <br />Northeasterly of, as measured at right angles to, Burlington Northern Railroad Company's <br />(formerly Northern Pacific Railroad Company) Main Track Centerline, as now located and <br />constructed; Thence N 84 degrees 56 minutes 51 seconds W parallel to said Main Track <br />Centerline for a distance of Fifty and Nineteen Hundredths (50.19) Feet to the point of <br />beginning; Thence continuing N 84 degrees 56 minutes 51 seconds W parallel to said Main <br />Track Centerline for a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Ninety-one and Seventy-Two <br />Hundredths (1491.72) Feet to the point of intersection with the East right-of-way line of Cass <br />County Highway No. 17, as now located; Thence N 00 degrees 10 minutes 57 seconds E <br />along said East right-of-way line for a distance of Six Hundred Thirty-five and Thirty-six <br />Hundredths (635.36) Feet to the point of intersection with the South right-of-way line of Cass <br />County Highway No. 24, as now located; Thence S 89 degrees 59 minutes 56 seconds E <br />along said South right-of-way line for a distance of One Thousand Four Hundred Eighty-four <br />and Forty-five Hundredths (1484.45) Feet to a point Fifty (50) Feet West of the East line of the <br />West Half of said Section Five (5); Thence 00 degrees 02 minutes 27 seconds West parallel to <br />and Fifty (50) Feet West of the East line of the West Half of said Section Five (5), a distance of <br />Seven Hundred Sixty-six and Seventy-four Hundredths (766.74) Feet to the point of <br />beginning; <br /> <br />The legal description was obtained from a previously recorded instrument. <br /> <br />Parcel #02-3050-04366-014 <br /> <br />To have and to hold the above described real property with all of the appurtenances <br />thereunto belonging to the party of the second part, City of West Fargo, heirs and assigns <br />forever, in as full and ample manner as the said county auditor of said county is empowered <br />by law to sell the same, and said real property, fixtures and structures are being transferred <br />"AS IS" with no warrants or representation of any kind. <br />