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181 <br /> <br />REGULAR MEETING OF CASS COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> <br />JANUARY 24, 1989 <br /> <br /> Chairman Don Eckert called the meeting to order with all members <br />present as follows: Oscar Sondrall, Alon Wieland, Don Eckert, Sharon <br />"Pepper" Toussaint, and Gene Shannon. <br /> <br /> Mr. Sondrall moved and Mr. Shannon seconded that the minutes of <br />the previous meeting be approved as written. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> Upon the request of County Judges Frank Racek and Georgia Dawson, <br />Mr. Sondrall moved and Mr. Shannon seconded that County Court be <br />authorized to fill the position of traffic clerk at a salary of $1,200 <br />per month effective February 1, 1989. Judge Racek stated that they <br />have selected an individual with seven years of experience in the Ward <br />County Court, and she is trained in operating court recording equipment <br />so could fill in where necessary. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> Judge Racek informed the Commission that an Order was signed <br />January 23, 1989, appointing Marilyn Hawkinson as Public Administrator. <br /> <br /> Judge Racek and Judge Dawson requested a six-month review by the <br />Commission. They provided written data and requested a salary increase <br />from $47,192, which is the minimum by State law, to $50,192 per year <br />retroactive to January 1, 1989. The salary increase was not included <br />in the ~989 budget, but the Judges suggested amending their salary line <br />item. Mr. Sondrall moved and Mrs. Toussaint seconded to increase <br />County Judges Frank Racek and Georgia Dawson's salary to $50,192 <br />annually retroactive to January 1, 1989. On roll call vote, the motion <br />carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> Francis Klein, County Director of Tax Equalization, was present <br />to answer any further questions on the request for tax exemption for <br />Hubert Oye & Sons, Inc. Mrs. Toussaint moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded <br />to grant the five year exemption at 70% on property tax and 100% on <br />income tax, and authorize the Chairman to sign the necessary documents. <br />On roll call vote, the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> Earl Haugen, County Planner, and Jeff Volk, Moore Engineering, <br />appeared before the Board regarding sponsorship of the southside <br />rural sewer project. Earl Haugen stated that he sent a letter <br />requesting any comments on Design #1 and indicated that it would be <br />discussed at this time at the CoUnty Commission meeting. He <br />received no comments and no one addressed the Commission at this time. <br />States Attorney Robert Hoy indicated that both the County and a water <br />resource district have the legal ability to sponsor the southside rural <br />sewer project. As a practical matter, he felt this would be the proper <br />time to transfer sponsorship to Southeast Cass Water Resource District <br />for ease of handling special assessments and implementing the project. <br /> <br /> Mr. Shannon moved and Mr. Sondrall seconded that the Cass County <br />Co~mission transfer sponsorship of the southside rural sewer project to <br />th~ Southeast Cass Water Resource District, that Moore Engineering be <br />retained as the consulting engineer until such plan is completed, and <br />that the Chairman be authorized to sign Resolution #1989-2 relating to <br /> <br /> <br />