03-18-01 Minutes
Road Advisory Committee
03-18-01 Minutes
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Road Advisory Minutes-March 19, 2001 2 <br /> <br />COUNTY ROAD 20 CORRIDOR STUDY, Report qiven <br />Mr. Berndt mpoded on the Cass County Road 20 Corridor Study. He displayed aerial maps <br />outlining the shod and long range alternatives. The shod range recommendation maintains a <br />two lane rural road section with turn lanes, intersection improvements, widening and paving the'''~ <br />shouldem and an asphalt overlay. The estimated cost of the shod range alternative is $3.1 <br />million for the 3 mile stretch of road. He said a consultant will provide a report to the <br />Commission in the next few months. <br /> <br />200t CONSTRUCTION PROJECT STATUS REPORT <br />Mr. Bemdt reviewed the 2001 construction projects, including highway, bridge and large culvert <br />projects. <br /> <br />DAVID RATCHENSKI, Field access issue discussed <br />Mr. Berndt gave a brief history on the properly owned by David Ratchenski. He said two old <br />township bridges in Section 13 and 14 of Maple River Township were closed and removed <br />several yearn ago and due to this, a portion of farmland owned by Mr. Ratchenski is <br />inaccessible except by crossing Gene Piper's field. At that time, it was decided that the county <br />engineer negotiate an easement between the two property owners; however, Mr. Piper was not <br />agreeable to selling the county an easement. <br /> <br />Mr. Berndt said this same issue was addressed at the April 2000 Road Advisory Committee <br />meeting. He presented five options, which he included again in the informational packet. At <br />that time, the committee recommended he visit with the land owners regarding a perpetual <br />maintenance agreement to be drawn up if the county constructed a Iow water crossing. Mr. <br />Bemdt contacted the property owners and was not successful in obtaining a definite answer <br />from either property owner regarding the Iow water crossing. Mr. Bemdt favors the easement <br />option as this provides the lowest cost to the county. He offered another option in which the <br />county would provide financing for the Iow water crossing but let the property owner be <br />responsible for the construction of it. <br /> <br />Mr. Suhr believes the Iow water crossing is the only cost effective alternative. He suggested the <br />crossing have a cement bottom without any culverts. <br /> <br />Mr. Wieland said the most ideal solution would be to obtain an easement. Mr. Wagner was <br />concerned that a precedent would be set if the county constructed a [ow water crossing. Mr. <br />Wieland offered to contact Mr. Piper to talk about a solution to this problem. <br /> <br />ADJOURNMENT MOTION, passed <br /> On motion by Mr. Wieland, seconded by Mr. Suhr and all voting in <br /> favor, the meeting was adjourned at 2:45 PM. <br /> <br /> <br />
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