County Commission
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Commission Minutes--August 14, 2003 2639 <br /> <br />Mrs. Sorum asked about $50,000 budgeted to paint the main shop and wash the paint <br />bay and $20,000 for grounds landscaping. She suggested the money for these two items <br />be used instead to fund the overlay projects on C32, C34 and C2. She feels the roads <br />are a priority. Mr. Berndt said the painting is needed, but could wait for another year. Mr. <br />Vanyo said the office equipment line item could be reduced to help pay for the overlays. <br /> MOTION, passed <br /> Mr. Meyer moved and Mr. Vanyo seconded to approve option 1: to fund C18 <br /> and C25 overlay projects with 10 mill funds; to raise the revenue projection <br /> for 2003 due to added city project cost share that would allow reduction of <br /> 1.25 mills for a total of .25 mills, resulting in a lower lO-mill levy balance at <br /> the end of 2004; and to reduce the remodeling line item by $75,000 to <br /> accommodate three overlay projects on C32, C34 and C2. On roll call vote, <br /> the motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Planning <br />Mr. Montplaisir said the Planning budget comes out of the General Fund. Mr. Berndt said <br />the biggest expense is the salary for the county planner. The budget has decreased and <br />one reason is that a one-time consulting fee included in 2003 is not needed next year. <br /> <br />Vector Control <br />Kristi Biewer, Weed and Vector Control Director, was present. Mr. Berndt distributed a <br />handout regarding the request for 2004. He said in past years, Vector Control was funded <br />at the $200,000 level. In 2003, a much more successful program was implemented with <br />approximately $500,000 in county expenditures. Also, cities spent their own funds to help <br />with the effort. The budget for 2004 is similar to this year, and at $888,445, includes <br />funding for a portion of new building costs; an increase of the seasonal supervisor to a <br />full-time supervisor; additional equipment purchases; and approximately $400,000 county <br />fund balance to be reimbursed from other agencies. He said the request could be funded <br />with 1 mill levy for the Vector Control District; ½ mill from the General Fund for Vector <br />operations; ½ mill from the General Fund for the new building; and ask cities to fund the <br />balance of $200,000. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner stressed the need for other jurisdictions to contribute in funding Vector <br />Control. He suggested the structure be reviewed to ensure that each entity is providing a <br />fair share toward vector control. Mr. Vanyo asked about resources spent in Fargo and <br />West Fargo this season. He also feels each jurisdiction should help with funding <br />proportionately. Ms. Biewer said the county saw an increase in services this year with the <br />entire county being treated, not just the cities. Mr. Berndt said cities could be looked at on <br />a per-capita basis in determining their share of the cost. <br /> <br />There was discussion about the new building and Mr. Berndt said the total cost is <br />$900,000. The building would house the Weed and Vector Control offices and would <br />have a lab facility. Mrs. Sorum fully supports the fight against mosquitoes and the West <br />Nile virus. She did question the need for the director to have a personal vehicle as well as <br />the new building. <br /> <br />Ms. Biewer said she puts 200 miles on her personal vehicle every week when she travels <br />throughout the county. She said the building that houses the Weed and Vector offices is <br />a safety hazard to employees and feels it should be condemned. <br /> <br /> <br />
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