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Certilicate for Real Eslate Tax Exemption For Farm Residences <br />To: Assessor, City or Twp. Of .~t ¢ ~ ]~,/ , ND, County Auditor of Cass County <br />I (We) hereby make applicatim~ fi)r real property lax exemption for the ycar~002'on the proper~y described below aud, <br />in compliance with N.D.C.C. Section 57412-14.1, or with N.D.C.C. Section 57-02-08(15), certify the following <br />intbrmation in support thereof: <br /> <br />MailingAddress: ~tlo8 /0~4'' ~0 ~ t'{~.,'c,e~/ ND 3~gO~/'~7OJ <br />Address of Property Claim Exempt: ~ ~ ~q ~ <br />LegalDescription(ifmorespaceisneeded, attachanotbersheet): .5~g .~, -t I*~O'~- jD~ ~ ~ ~0~ <br /> <br />E~em~lion Claime~ Pursuant to 57-02-0805) o[ the North Dakota Century Code: (Choose the on~ catego~ that applies) <br /> <br />Active Farmer Category <br /> Does tile tract upon which the residence is located contain 10 acres or more? <br /> Is the major portion of the occupm~t's time devoted to farming activities? <br /> Does the annual net incmne from fanning constitute 50% or more of the total <br /> net income, including that net income of a spouse if married during any of Ihe <br /> three preceding calendar years? <br /> <br />Yes~ No iD <br />Yes)~ No 121 <br /> <br />Yes))~[, No <br /> <br />"Net income fi'om farming shall be as reported for state income tax purposes adjusted to include: <br />i. The difference between gross sale price less expenses of sale and amount reported as a capital gain and, <br />ii. The interest expenses fi'om farming which have been deducted in computing taxable income. <br />iii. Depreciation expenses fi-om farming activities which have been deducted in computing taxable iucome. <br />Did lhe (>ccupant engaged ill farming have non-farm incmne, including that <br />ora spouse, of more than $40,000 during each of the three preceding <br />calendar years? Yes ~ No)>~ <br /> <br />IVacant ~, Is the residence intended for use as a farm residence? <br /> <br />Yes ~ No ~ <br /> <br />Residence Category <br /> <br />[ Farm Lal:orer Residence Category <br /> ~ Is the resideuce being used as part of a farm plant to provide housing for that <br /> farmer's workers? Yes UI No UI <br /> <br /> Retired Farmer Calegory <br /> ~' Did the retired occupant retire because of illness or age and who at the time of <br /> retiremeut owned and occupied as a farmer the residence in which the farmer <br /> lives and for which the exemption is claimed? Yes CI No [...1 <br /> <br /> Beginning Farmer Calegory <br /> ~' tlas the individual begun occupancy and operation of a farm within the three preceding <br /> calendar years; who normally devotes the major portiou of time to farming activities; and <br /> who does not have a history of farm income from farming for each of the three preceding <br />calendar years? ,- .-. -) Yes ~ No <br />Nole: N.D.C.C. Section 12.1-11-02, provides that making false slatemgnt iu a.g~ernmental matter is punishable as a <br /> .1 ? ( / <br /> <br />(:lass A misdemeanor. <br /> ~, (, t <br /> Signature of a._pplD~nt <br />This eerilfleale shall be filed wt{h lhe assessor and county autlitor before February I every year for whleh the exemptlou I~ claimed. <br /> <br />Dale <br /> <br />For Of'rice Use Only: <br />Application is: Approved <br /> <br />Disapproved <br /> <br />Assessor or Director of Tax Equalization Date <br /> <br />K:\LETFERSkApplications\2002 farmapp.wpd <br /> <br /> <br />