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CASS COUNTY GOV 7012822226 05/12 '03 13:26 N0.888 03/05 <br />0~?12/03 ~ON 08,'09 FAX 701 2~1 ~728 CASS COIJ'~I'Y COI.~THOUSE <br /> <br /> North Dakota Depai;~,,ont Of Transportation <br />COUNTY AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FEDERAL AID pROJEcT <br />TITLE II ~AFETY PROGRAM <br /> <br />,F~roJeet No. ~(166);'Burlington Nbrthem Santa F® (BNSF)~ (DOT t/11)2 962W) <br /> <br /> cAm,~ C:,ount~ <br /> <br /> ,' Description; Cm County H~h'~zty 3, West Edge of AyP <br />The state of' North Dakota, acUng by end through its'Drre~ of Transportaf~on, herelnalter r~errecl t~ as HDDQT, <br />who~e address*is 608 East Boulevard Avenue, Bismarck, Norlh Dakola 5850{~0700, and Cass County,. No~I Dakota, <br />hereJna .~. refer~ to as l~e'CouMy, hereby, agree thai:' <br /> <br />1,' Upgmdlng the ~980 vffffage flashing light signals has been programmed, at the above lecaflort for the 2003 sigrtal <br /> program. This Is a ~ck. ~osslng on BNSF ~elfillne (KO SUB), wl~ch I1~ upwards.of 40 trains per day, with <br /> maximum time table speeds of 60 mph. The ~ .~ing Is near a shuttle-b'ain loading facility, generatlhg .e substalltlal <br /> amount of truck and I~ain movements. The oroseing signal upgrade will ihclude short-erin gates, ~nstant w'~ning <br /> ' lime train defl~'flon a new pre-wired bungalow sidelights on both signal masts, and ,12" LED Ilghls. <br /> <br />2..This signei Ul~'ading project Is.estimated. to c°st $140,070. Funding for the signal upgrade will be 90 percent federal <br /> and 10 percent Cass'County. ' <br /> <br />3. NDDOT Will 'take all st~ps necessary toward securing coopemtien .wtl~.'the United .States' Govemmer~ through <br /> the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) In order to obtain federal funds for the project ~natruc~on, to the <br /> extent provided In 'rltle 23 of the Urdted $ -ta~ Code (go% ~ funds), aS amended end supplemer~tsd. <br /> <br />5. The County will reimburse NDDOT for ell' COilSl~uotlon I~yme~tt~ advanced by' NDDOT exoept the am0~nt paid <br /> 'by .FHWA. It I~ spe~lffi3elly agre~l and und~ff~tood that'S' any ~me that the County shall fall t~ r.~mbume <br /> NDDOT within 60 days eRer billing for funds advan .¢~,d in behalf of the County,. this documefft shell constitute <br /> an assignment of funds now or hereeft~ ~omlng Int~ the, hands of 'th~ Slate t~ur~, which weuld othemdse <br /> 5e dlsffibute.d.. {o. {he County out. of the Highway Ta~ Distribution Fund and the state tmasur~' le hereby ¢liredted ' <br /> · to pay NDDOT. all suc.h funds until the total lhereof shall equal the sum billed th. is agreement. <br /> <br />EXECUTED the date last below signed. <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />.' 'COUNTYOF <br /> <br />· <br /> <br />APPROVED as to s.uDstan~e by:.. · <br /> <br />Approved 7,17.89;, <br /> <br />NORTH DAKOTA. <br />DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION' <br /> <br /> <br />